
The Patient table includes columns related to the patient account information that patients or Oracle Health Immunization Management users entered.

Module: Oracle Health Immunization Management

Key Columns

Table 3-17 Patient Columns

Name Description
Id Identification number of the patient
First Name First name of the patient
Middle Name Middle name of the patient
Last Name Last name of the patient
Contact Method Contact method used to reach the patient
Date of Birth Date of birth of the patient
Age Band Age band of patient (for example, 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39)
Email Email address to reach patient
Phone Phone number to reach patient
Patient Code Code for patient
IRN For the Medicare insurance type, the eleventh digit of the insurance number represents the Individual Reference Number (IRN)
Location Address1 Address line 1
Location Address2 Address line 2
Location Address3 Address line 3
Location Address4 Address line 4
Location Address Key Key for address
Location City City
Location Sub Zone Sub Zone
Location Zone Zone
Location Country Code Country code
Location ISO Country Code ISO Alpha3 country code of patient location
Location Postal Code Postal code
Ethnicity Code List of value codes for Ethnicity field
Ethnicity Type List of value types for Ethnicity field.
Gender Gender of the patient
Race Race of the patient
Ethnicity Ethnicity of the patient
Indigenous Status Status registered under the Indian Act
Gender Code List of value codes for Gender field
Biological Sex Sex at birth
Gender Type List of value types for Gender field
Biological Sex Code List of value codes for biological sex
Biological Sex Type List of value types for biological sex
Race Code List of value codes for Race field
Race Type List of value types for Race field
Lang Code Language code
Insurance Number Insurance number for the patient. If a patient has multiple insurance documents, including this column in reporting shows multiple rows for the patient
Insurance Type Type of insurance (for example, Medicare). If a patient has multiple insurance documents, including this column in reporting shows multiple rows for the patient
Medicare Medicare number (used by some customers only). For the MEDICARE insurance type, the first ten digits of the number represents the insurance number
IHI Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) number for the insurance type (used by some customers only)
Insurance Updated By Name of person who updated the insurance information
Insurance Updated On Date person updated the insurance information
Active Yes/No Patient account activated (yes or no)
Last Login Date of last login
Last Login IP IP address used for the last login
Source Source of the patient (for example, Call Center, group load, self registration, walk-in appointment)
Time Zone Time zone
Relative Indigenous State Relative status registered under the Indian Act
Relationship Type Relationship to the patient
Relative Active YN Relative account activated (yes or no)
Relative Contact Method Contact method used to reach the relative
Relative Date of Birth Date of birth of the relative
Relative External ID External identification number of the relative
Relative First Name First name of the relative
Relative Gender Gender of the relative
Relative Insurance Number Insurance number for the relative
Relative Insurance Type Type for insurance for the relative (for example, Medicare)
Relative Last Name Last name of the relative
Relative Location Address Key Location address key
Relative Location Address1 Relative address line 1
Relative Location Address2 Relative address line 2
Relative Location Address3 Relative address line 3
Relative Location Address4 Relative address line 4
Relative Location City City for the relative
Relative Location Country Code Country code for the relative
Relative Location Postal Code Postal code for the relative
Relative Location Sub Zone Sub zone for the relative
Relative Location Zone Zone for the relative
Relative Middle Name Middle name of the relative
Relative Patient Code Registrant code of the relative
Relative Primary Contact YN Primary contact for the relative
Relative Phone Phone number of the relative
Relative Source Source of the patient relative
Relative Time Zone Time zone for the relative
Verification Method Verification method used
Verification Sent On Date verification sent
Verified On Date patient verified
Updated By Identification number of user who last updated the record
Updated On Date record last updated
Created By Identification number of the user who created the record
Created On Date record created
Relative Created By Identification number of the user who created the relative record
Relative Created On Relative record created date
Relative Email Email address of the relative
Relative Updated By Identification number of the user who updated the relative record
Relative Updated On Relative record updated date
Relative ISO Country Code ISO Alpha3 country code of patient relative location
Relative Insurance Updated By Identification number of the user who updated the Relative Insurance
Relative Insurance Updated On Relative insurance updated date
External Id External identification number of the patient