Schedule Details

The Schedule Details table includes columns related to the schedules created in Oracle Health Immunization Management.

Module: Oracle Health Immunization Management

Key Columns

Table 3-26 Schedule Details Columns

Name Description
Id Identification number of the schedule
Start Hour Hour schedule starts
Start Minute Minute schedule starts
End Hour Hour schedule ends
End Minute Minute schedule ends
Slot Duration Minutes Time range for slot in minutes
Concurrent Slots Number of concurrent slots during a time
Schedule Id Identification number of the schedule
Schedule End Date Date schedule ends
Schedule Name Name of the schedule
Schedule Start Date Date the schedule starts
Schedule Status Defines the status of the schedule such as Open,Past, or Future
Schedule Type Type of schedule
Created By Identification number of the user who created the record
Created On Date record created
Updated By Identification number of the user who last updated the record
Updated On Last date schedule updated