
The Users table includes columns related to the user account information that Oracle Health Immunization Management administrators or users entered.

Module: Oracle Health Immunization Management

Key Columns

Table 3-29 Users Columns

Name Description
Id Identification number of the user
Username Username
First Name First name of the user
Middle Name Middle name of the user
Last Name Last name of the user
Active YN Account activated (yes or no)
Location Name Name of the location for the user
Role Role of the user
User Role Id Identification for the role of the user
Verification status User verified identity
New Account Email Sent On Date Welcome email sent for account activation
Support Identifier Support identifier
Tfa Key Two-factor authentication key
Time Zone Time zone
Language code Language code
Healthcare Profession Code List of value codes for healthcare profession
Healthcare Profession Type List of value types for healthcare profession
HPI-I Healthcare Provider Identifier - Individual
Last Login Last login date
Last Login IP Last login IP address
Last Login Last login date
Last Login IP Last login IP address
Updated By Identification number of user who last updated the record
Created By Identification number of the user who created the record
Created On Date record created
Updated On Date record last updated