View appointment details

An Oracle Health Immunization Management administrator or healthcare worker can view the recorded details of a patient appointment. For example, you can see the details on the type of vaccine, the procedure outcome, and see a record of any previously changed or cancelled appointments and the name of the person who made those changes.

To view appointment details:
  1. Select the Patient tab from the banner.
  2. Select View Appointments from the top of the tab to open a list of patients who had previously scheduled appointments.
  3. Locate the patient with the appointment details you want to review and select the name from the list.
  4. Scroll down to the Past and Cancelled Appointments section and select the appointment you want to view. The Appointment Details dialog box opens with information about the appointment. For example, you see details on the location, appointment type, date and time of appointment, status (Processed, Results Received, Called from Queue, No Show, Cancelled, Rescheduled), appointment creation date and time, and the name (email address) of the person who created it. If anyone made changed to the appointment, the Appointment Changes section shows the status, email address of the person who made the changes, and the date and time of the changes.


    You can also view the patient details, relationships to the patient, surveys, and upcoming appointments.
    • To edit the patient details, Edit Patient from the top of the page and making the necessary changes. For more details, see Edit patient registration details.
    • To add a guardian (for example, parent, guardian, next of kin, power of attorney) to the patient, select Add Relationship and enter the details in the required fields.
    • To review survey responses, select the name of the survey.
    • To edit the procedure details, select the type of procedure and modify the necessary fields in each tab. For more details, see Edit procedure details.