Appointment Scheduling

Complete the following steps to schedule an appointment:

  1. Select a type of appointment. You can select a specialty to further filter the appointment types that are displayed.
  2. You can optionally select a provider and location. Enter a reason for the appointment, any appointment comments, and select a start date.


    • The system helps to make the process more efficient by filtering the search criteria to display only valid combinations as you make your selections.
    • A star next to the Specialty, Provider, or Location prompts indicates a previous relationship based on the last 36 months history.
  3. Will the appointment time be selected through the availability search (continue to the next step) or the calendar (skip to Step 5)?
  4. To select an appointment time using the availability search, select an available time and select Schedule Appointment. Continue to Step 7.
  5. Select View Calendar. The Calendar View is displayed. If not previously selected, enter a provider or providers and select a date.
  6. Select Schedule or select a time on the calendar.
  7. When you select Schedule, Schedule Appointment is displayed. Select a provider, location, start time, reason for appointment, and any appointment comments, and select Schedule.
  8. When you select a time on the calendar, Schedule Appointment is displayed with the resource and start and end times. Select a location, enter a reason for the appointment, and any appointment comments, and select Schedule. Note that if a slot is not valid or if the patient has another appointment at the selected time, a message is displayed prompting you to select a different slot. Also, if you select a slot occupied with another appointment, a message is displayed that selecting the slot will result in an overbooking. You can continue, or select Cancel to locate a different time.
  9. The appointment is now scheduled, and the system creates an encounter or associates an existing encounter with the appointment using encounter match logic.
    1. When an encounter is created, the following values are added to the encounter: Appointment Date/Time, Location, Insurance, Guarantor. Additionally, the Scheduled Provider value is added to the Attending Physician prompt.
    1. The encounter type is determined by the related encounter on the appointment type. If a related encounter is not associated with the appointment type, the system defaults Outpatient as the encounter type.The appointment is now scheduled, and the system creates an encounter or associates an existing encounter with the appointment using encounter match logic.
  10. In the Appointment Summary, review the appointment details and select Done.


    If the patient has provided an email address, they receive an email notification when an appointment is scheduled. If they have only a phone number listed and they have granted permission to send SMS text messages, the patient receives an SMS text notification about the appointment.