Register for an Appointment

The registration process lets you to complete the patient intake process before your appointment.

Depending on your organization and account settings, you might receive an email or text message alert to remind you when it is time to register for an appointment. Additionally, the appointment card on the Home dashboard might include a Register button.


Registration is available only during the registration period, which is three days before the scheduled appointment until 30 minutes before the appointment starts, at which time the check-in period starts. (You can complete registration details as part of the check-in process.). For example, if your appointment is scheduled for 12:30 p.m., you can register until 12:00 p.m. After 12:00 p.m., you need to complete the check-in process to complete any missing registration details.
To register for your appointment during the registration period:
  1. Start the registration workflow using one of these methods:
    • If you already have an account, log in to the patient portal. From the Home House for Home dashboard or Appointments Calendar for Appointments dashboard, select Register on an appointment card. (This button is available only if you are within the registration period.) The appointment card opens into the full appointment details where you can review details about the appointment, including its date, time, and type of visit.
    • If you do not yet have an account but you were given an invitation to register or a unique link, follow the instructions provided to start the registration process. You might need to enter your first name, last name, and date of birth to verify your identity.


      Invitations and links are set to expire after a set number of days. If your invitation or link has expired, contact your provider's office or care team to request a new one.
  2. Select Start to begin the guided steps.


    During the registration process, select Back from the Options Ellipsis for Options menu any time you want to return to a previous step. Select Complete Later for any step that you want to skip and complete later. (You cannot skip any steps in the registration process if you are registering as part of the check-in process.)
  3. Appointment: If your appointment details are displayed, review the details.
    1. Optionally, select Modify Appointment to make any changes. Select one of the following options:
      • Reschedule Appointment: Make changes the details of the appointment, such as the date, time, or provider.


        Depending on the changes you make, you might be unable to register for the appointment if you select a new date or time that is not within the registration window, which is up to 3 days before the appointment and up to 15 minutes after the appointment starts.
      • Cancel Appointment: Send a notification to your organization that cancels the appointment. When you're ready, select Next to go to the next step.
    2. When you're ready, select Next to go to the next step.
  4. ID: Provide your ID:
    1. If you do not yet have an ID on file or you want to add a new one:
      • Select one of the following options: Driver License, State-issued Identification Card, or Passport. Alternatively, select I Don't Have One or Complete Later to completely skip this step.
      • Use your device to take a photo or upload an image of the ID. Files should be a .JPG or .PNG file with a maximum size of 100 MB.
    2. Once you have ID on file, review the ID and make any changes.
    3. When you are ready, select Continue to go to the next step.
  5. Demographics: Enter your demographics (personal details):


    First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth are read only. Contact your provider's office or care team if you need updates to this information.
    1. Enter any missing details, including your phone number, address, birth sex, race, and ethnicity.
    2. Select Continue to go to the next step.
  6. Emergency contacts: Enter your emergency contact relationships:
    1. If you do not have an emergency contact on file or you want to add a new one:
      • Select Add Emergency Contact to add emergency contacts. Alternatively, select No Emergency Contacts to skip this step.
      • Enter the name, relationship, and phone number for the contact.
      • Optionally, also enter the contact's date of birth and address.
      • Select Save.
    2. Once you have emergency contacts on file, review the list of contacts.
    3. You can add up to three (total) emergency contacts.
    4. Optionally, use the options in the More Actions Ellipsis for More Actions menu to make any changes:
      • If you have two or more entries, select Move Up or Move Down to reorder the list.
      • Select Edit to make any changes to a person's contact details.
      • Select Remove to remove a person from your list of contacts.
    5. Select Save to save any changes.
    6. Select Continue to go to the next step.
  7. Insurance: Enter your insurance information:
    1. If you not not yet have insurance on file, or you want to add a new one:
      • Select Add insurance to scan your insurance card's bar code or take or upload a photo of your insurance card if no bar code is available or readable. Alternatively select I Don't Have One to skip this step.
      • Alternatively, select Enter Manually to enter this information manually. The Add Insurance page is displayed.
      • Enter any missing details as needed. (If the card's bar code was readable, the insurance information is filled in for you.)
      • Select Save.
    2. You can add up to three (total) insurance carriers.
    3. Once you have insurance on file, review your insurance details.
    4. Optionally, use the options in the More Actions Ellipsis for More Actions menu to make any changes:
      • If you have two or more entries, select Move Up or Move Down to reorder the list. (This order indicates the primary, secondary, and tertiary insurance carriers. Your care team uses this order when submitting claims.)
      • Select Edit to edit the details.
      • Select Delete to delete an insurance carrier.
    5. Select Continue.
  8. Financial: Enter a responsible party. The responsible party (also called guarantor) is the person who is responsible for paying for any provider visits. This person might be yourself or an authorized representative.
    1. If you do not yet have a responsible party on file, or you want to add a new one:
      • Select Add Responsible Party.
      • Add the responsible party's details first name, last name, date of birth, relationship to the patient, and phone number.
      • Optionally, enter additional details such as the title, Social Security number, address, and any other relevant details. The information you enter is always stored securely and safely.
      • Optionally, select Other Contact Method to add an additional contact method.
      • Select Save.
    2. Once you have a responsible party on file, review the responsible party information.
    3. Optionally, use the options in the More Actions Ellipsis for More Actions menu to make any changes:
      • If you have two or more entries, select Move Up or Move Down to reorder the list.
      • Select Edit to edit a person's details.
      • Select Remove to remove a person as a responsible party.
    4. When you are ready, select Continue to go to the next step.
  9. Depending on your account and organization, you might have additional forms to complete or be asked to finalize your enrollment as part of this process. See the Manage accounts and Profiles topic for more information.
When your appointment is ready for check-in, you can proceed to the check-in process by selecting Check In from the dashboard card or appointment details. See Check In for an Appointment for more information.