Site Map and Search

You can ask questions through the Ask Oracle chat to locate information in Patient Portal.

From the dashboard, select Ask Oracle

Oracle logo for Ask Oracle to display the Ask Oracle site map and page search.


If you are an authorized representative managing someone else's account, this page displays only the sections available to that account.
The following pages are included in the site map and are searchable by key word:
  • Appointments
  • Schedule Appointment
  • Messaging
  • Health Record
  • Visit Summaries
  • Clinical Notes
  • Vital Signs
  • Test Results
  • Medications
  • Allergies
  • Immunizations
  • Health Conditions
  • Procedures
  • Profile
  • Demographics
  • Emergency Contact
  • Insurance
  • Care Team
  • Settings
  • Account Management
  • Access Logs
  • Help

You can select the close (X) button in the lower-right corner of the page to return to the previous page you were on.