View Visit Summaries

Visit summaries are documents created by Patient Portal after a patient's visit (also called an encounter) with a care team. Visit summaries can provide an overview of what occurred during the visit in relation to your overall health history.

Visit summaries can include any of the following types of details:
  • Patient name
  • Provider’s office contact information
  • Date and location of the visit
  • An updated medication list
  • Updated vital signs
  • Reasons for the visit
  • Procedures that occurred
  • Any instructions based on clinical discussions that took place during the office visit
  • Any updates to health conditions
  • Immunizations or medications administered during the visit
  • A summary of topics discussed during visit
  • Time and location of next appointment or testing if scheduled (or a recommended appointment time if not scheduled)
  • List of other appointments and tests that needs to be scheduled with contact information
  • Recommended patient decision aids
  • Laboratory and other diagnostic test orders
  • Test and laboratory results (if received up to 24 hours after visit)
  • Symptoms
To view a visit summary:
  1. From the Appointments Calendar for Appointments dashboard on the Past tab, select an appointment card for a past appointment that was completed (not canceled).
  2. On the Appointments Details page, select Visit Summary. The Visit Summary details are displayed.


    Visit summaries might not be available until a couple of days after your appointment is completed. Contact your provider if you have any concerns.