Patient Portal Site

Patient Portal now provides additional information for Patient Portal sites.

  • Patient Portal users can sign in and sign out of Patient Portal.
  • A Home dashboard displays highlights of appointments, messages, and activity.
  • A primary menu is available to access other dashboards and the Ask Oracle menu.
  • Patient Portal users can view their profile and change their photo.
  • Authenticated representatives can view the profiles for their connected accounts after they switch to that account.
  • Links to the Terms of Use and privacy policy documents are available from the sign-in page and profile page.
  • Patient Portal users can switch language from the sign-in page or the profile page.
  • Patient Portal users can view their organization's contact information from the Help section on their profile page.
  • Patient Portal users can view their care team on their profile page.
Solution Change Description and UI Impact Reference Materials Validation Guidelines Implementation and Maintenance Impact
Sign In and Sign Out (HLG2-1431)

Once a Patient Portal user is enrolled to their Patient Portal account, they can sign in from the Sign-In page. They can then provide their username and password to authenticate into Patient Portal. Patient Portal users can also recover a forgotten password from the Sign-In page.

Patient Portal users can sign out from the Profile (Switch User) menu.

Patient Portal users can change their password from the Settings page.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic):

To sign out from the application, Patient Portal users select Sign out on the Profile (Switch User) page.

To sign out of Patient Portal, users can select Sign Out on the Profile (Switch Menu) page.

To change a password, Patient Portal users can access the Profile (Switch User) menu, select Settings, and then select Reset Password.

See the Reference Materials for more information.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Verify that Patient Portal users can sign in and sign out.

Verify that Patient Portal users can sign out from the Profile (Switch User) menu.

Verify that users can change their password from the Settings page.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Home Dashboard (HLG2-1434)

The Home dashboard page provides a Patient Portal user with an overview of upcoming appointments, unread messages, and latest activity within Patient Portal based on the most commonly used functionality. The Home Dashboard draws to attention the information and actions a Patient Portal user can take next to support their care.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): Patient Portal users see the Home dashboard after signing in. See the Reference Materials for more information.

See the Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients for more information.

Verify that when you sign in to Patient Portal, a dashboard is displayed that includes sections for upcoming appointments, latest activity, and any new messages.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Structure: Primary Menu (HLG2-1435)

Patient Portal users can view a main menu based on the most commonly accessed areas of Patient Portal such as the Home dashboard, Appointments dashboard, Health Record dashboard, Messages dashboard, and Ask Oracle site map and search.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): This main menu is displayed at the bottom of most pages and includes links to the available dashboards (Appointments, Health Record, Messages), and the Ask Oracle button. See the Reference Materials for more information.

See the Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients for more information.

Verify that Patient Portal users can view the main menu and use it to navigate Patient Portal.

Verify that Patient Portal users can select the Ask Oracle button to display a site map page and when they close it, they return to the page they were on previously.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Profile (HLG2-1446) Patient Portal users can view and update their profile with details about current demographics and insurance information if the information is not the most up-to-date for demographics and insurance.

The profile is specific to the patient in context and includes:

  • Profile Picture
  • Demographics
  • Contact Information
  • Emergency Contacts (Relationships)
  • Account Information (read-only)
  • Insurance
  • Responsible Party
  • Care Team

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic):

Patient Portal users can access the Profile (Switch User) page to access their profile and change their photo. The profile details are specific to the currently selected account. If the user switches to a different account, the profile is specific to that other account. See the Reference Materials for more information.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Verify that Patient Portal users can complete the following actions:

  • Access their profile.
  • View and update their demographics and insurance information.
  • View and update their profile picture.
  • Select their preferred language.
  • View and update their emergency contacts.
  • View their primary care provider.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Structure: Profile Switcher (HLG2-1559)

Authorized representatives can switch accounts to another account that is connected to their account.

Sensitivity and confidentiality filters are applied to the information as applicable and configured.

When the authorized representative signs out of the application and signs back in, they are returned to their profile regardless of whose account they were previously viewing.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): Authorized representatives can select Switch User on the Profile (Switch User) page. See the Reference Materials for more information.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Verify that authorized representatives can switch to another account.

Verify that authorized representatives can switch to a different account.

Verify that if the authorized representative switches accounts and then signs out, their own profile (not the previously switched profile) is displayed when they sign back in.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Settings: Log-in Settings (HLG2-1560)

Messages in Patient Portal indicate which messages are unread using a blue dot.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): Visual Only

See Sending and Receiving Messages in Your Patient Portal section in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients for more information.

Verify that unread messages are displayed on the Messages dashboard with a blue dot next to them.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Settings: Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (HLG2-1563)

Patient Portal users can view their organization's Terms of Use and privacy policies.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): Links to terms of use and privacy policy available from the sign-in page and are displayed in the selected language. See the Reference Materials for more information.

See the Managing Your Account and Profile topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients for more information.

Verify that you can view links to the Terms of Use and privacy policy on the sign-in page.

Verify that if you switch to a different language and then you open the links to display the Terms of Use and privacy policy documents, the documents are displayed in your selected language.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Settings: Language Switcher (HLG2-1564)

Patient Portal users can switch the language displayed by Patient Portal to see the portal content displayed in that language.

If you set the language to a non-English (U.S.) language outside of Patient Portal, when you sign in, the application always is displayed in that language.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): The language switcher is available on the Profile (Switch User) page and from the Sign-In page. See the Reference Materials for more information.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Verify that you can switch to a different language from the sign-in page.

Verify that Patient Portal users can switch the language from the Profile (Switch User) page, and the portal is updated to be displayed in that language.

Verify that if you set the language to a non-English (U.S.) language outside of Patient Portal, when you sign in, the application always is displayed in that language.

No implementation or maintenance impact.

Content: Help (HLG2-1566)

Patient Portal users can view contact information for their organization.

UI Impact (Workflow - Implemented): User can access the Profile (Switch User) menu and then select Help to see their organization's contact information. See the Reference Materials for more information.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Verify that the patient can view the Help information.

Verify that the Help information update based on what is configured by the customer.

Implementation (Low): These fields are derived from Foundations configuration at the instance level.

Help information is derived through centralized configuration where the administrator configures elements of the Help section.

No maintenance impact.

Profile: Care Team (HLG2-2077)

Patient Portal users can see their primary care provider and clinic name in their profile.

UI Impact (Workflow - Automatic): The registration workflow is used to set the primary care provider. Patient Portal users can then view the care provider by scrolling to the Care Provider section of the Profile (Switch User) page.

See the following reference materials for more information:

Getting Started topic in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Managing Your Account and Profile in the Oracle Health Patient Portal Cloud Service User Guide for Patients

Verify that you can scroll to a Care Provider section from the Profile (Switch User) page.

No implementation or maintenance impact.