
This topic describes information for the Binary resource.

To interact with the REST endpoints in the Binary resource, see Binary.


The Binary resource can contain any clinical content such as text, images, and PDFs. This resource is currently limited to Continuity of Care Documents (CCDs), clinical documents, and diagnostic reports. The list of clinical documents and diagnostic reports is subject to change, as the list of clinical events that may qualify can be customized by clients.

It is recommended to request Binary resources only after obtaining a link to the resource via references from DiagnosticReport or DocumentReference. It is not recommended to start a workflow in the Binary resource.

The consumer must populate the Accept header with application/fhir+json or the format returned in the attachment.contentType of the referring resource. If the Accept header is application/fhir+json, a FHIR Binary resource is returned with the raw data populated in If the Accept header is anything else, the raw data is returned instead of a FHIR Binary resource. For more information, see the HL7 FHIR Binary documentation.


To retrieve documents with the application/pdf content type, the Clinical Reporting (XR) product must be installed for the client site that you are loading data from. For additional information about Clinical Reporting (XR), see the Clinical Reporting XR Reference Pages.

The following fields are returned if valued: