Get a care plan by ID



Retrieves an individual care plan by the associated care plan ID.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:

  • Provider
  • Patient
  • System


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example retrieval.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'CarePlan',
    'id': '197286315',
    'meta': {
      'versionId': '1',
      'lastUpdated': '2020-04-04T23:00:46-05:00'
    'text': {
      'status': 'additional',
      'div': '<div><p><b>Care Plan</b></p><p><b>Patient</b>: SMART, NANCY</p><p><b>Status</b>: Completed</p><p><b>Description</b>:</p><pre>SMART, NANCY
DOB:  08/11/1980	Age:  39 Years	MRN:  00000006930
				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Pregnancy Summary    (Date of Report: 04/04/20)

G 1 P 0 (0,0,0,0)
Gestation: --	LMP (from pt. history): --
EDD: --	EDD/EGA Method: Date of Conception	EGA: --

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Antepartum Note

	No antepartum notes have been documented

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Problems   (Active Problems Only)
Gestational diabetes mellitus, class A>1< (Related to Pregnant problem)  (SNOMED CT: 124602011, Onset: 03/05/20)
	Comment:  Problem added by Discern Expert  (SYSTEM, SYSTEM Cerner on 03/05/20)

Gestational hypertension (Related to Pregnant problem)  (SNOMED CT: 495022012, Onset: 03/05/20)
	Comment:  Problem added by Discern Expert  (SYSTEM, SYSTEM Cerner on 03/05/20)

Pregnant   (SNOMED CT: 191073013, Onset: 06/12/19)

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Risk Factors and Genetic Screening
Risk Factors (Current Pregnancy)
Risk Factors:  Diabetes, gestational, type A1, Gestational hypertension
Risk Factors Comments:  --

Ethnic Screening
      No ethnicities have been recorded.

Genetic Disorders Screening
      No genetic disorders have been recorded.

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Gestational Age (EGA) and EDD     * Note: EGA calculated as of 04/04/2020

EDD: 03/04/2020	EGA*: 44 weeks 3 days            Type: Authoritative	Method Date: 06/12/2019

      Method: Date of Conception (06/12/2019)
      Confirmation: Confirmed
      Description:  Date Definite
      Comments: --
      Entered by: Cerner Test, Women's Health - Nurse Cerner on 03/05/2020

Other EDD Calculations for this Pregnancy:
      No additional EDD calculations have been recorded for this pregnancy

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Pre-Pregnancy Weight:	--    
Recent Weight Measured:	--     
Height/Length Measured:	--    
Body Mass Index Measured:	--    

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Prenatal Exam and Notes

lbs | kg
Fetal Activity
Fet Pres

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Physical Exams
Physical Exam
	SpO2:  98 % (03/05/20)

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Blood Types and Anti-D Immune Globulin
Blood Type and Screen
Mother ABO/Rh:  --
Mother Antibody Screen:  --
Father of Baby ABO/Rh:  --
Father of Baby Antibody Screen:  --

Anti-D Immune Globulin
Rho(D) Initial Status:  --
Rho(D) 28 Week Status:  --
Rho(D) Dates Given:  --

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Prenatal Tests and Lab Results
Results ending with 'TR' have been keyed in by the practice or interpreted manually.
Result Date: Estimated weeks post pregnancy onset will display next to actual result date.

Ref Range
 Cholesterol Total
 (H) 205 mg/dL
 03/13/20  (41 weeks)
 (H) 179 mg/dL
 03/13/20  (41 weeks)
 (H) 172 mg/dL
 03/13/20  (41 weeks)
 5 mg/dL
 03/13/20  (41 weeks)
 (L) 43 mg/dL
 03/13/20  (41 weeks)

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Allergies    (Active and Proposed Allergies Only)
No Known Medication Allergies   (Severity: Unknown severity, Onset: Unknown)

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Prescriptions and Home Medications
	Currently Active or Taking
	No medications have been recorded

	Inactive or Suspended   (Prescriptions and documented medications since 03/12/19)
	No medications have been recorded

Medication Administrations In-Office/Hospital   (All in-office/hospital administrated medications ordered since 03/12/19)
	No medications have been recorded

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80

	No immunizations have been administered or recorded as given

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Menstrual History
Last Recorded Menstrual Period:  --
Last Menstrual Period Description:  --
Menarche Onset:  --
Menarche Frequency:  --
Menarche Length:  --
Date of Menses Prior to LMP:  --
On Hormonal Contracept within 2 months of LMP:  --
Date of Home Pregnancy Test:  --
Comments:  --

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Pregnancy History   G1 P0(0,0,0,0)

	No previous pregnancies history have been recorded

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Medical History
Past Medical History
	No active past medical history has been recorded

Family History
	Father (Name not documented, Alive)
	Heart attack

Procedure or Surgical History
	No active procedures/surgeries have been recorded

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Social & Psychosocial History
Social History

	Smoking tobacco use: Former smoker, quit more than 30 days ago.  12 year(s).

Psychosocial History
	No active psychosocial history has been recorded

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Infection History

	Infection history negative or not recorded

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Anesthesia and Transfusions
Prior Anesthesia or Transfusion Received:  --
Prior Anesthesia Reaction(s):  --
Prior Transfusion Reaction(s):  --
Blood Transfusion Acceptable to Patient:  --

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Birth Plan and Patient Requests
Desired Delivery Location: --
Prenatal Education: --
Written Birth Plan: --
Written Birth Plan Location: --
Oral Intake OB: --
Support Person/Coach Relationship to Pt: --
Labor Preferences: --
Non-Medicinal Pain Relief: --
Anesthesia/Pain Medication During Labor: --
Delivery Plan: --
Infant Feeding: --
Circumcision: --
Patient Requests: --
Father of the Baby's Name: --
Pediatrician Selected: --
Planned Method of Delivery: --
Baby For Adoption: --
Surrogate Pregnancy: --
Support Person's Name: --

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
1st Trimester
Weight Gain		--                                                                      
Alcohol Use		--                                                                      
Blood Glucose Monitoring		--                                                                      
Childbirth Classes		--                                                                      
Domestic Violence		--                                                                      
Drug Use		--                                                                      
Environmental Hazards		--                                                                      
Exercise		--                                                                      
Expected Course of Prenatal Care		--                                                                      
HIV Testing		--                                                                      
Hospital Facilities		--                                                                      
Hypertension in Pregnancy		--                                                                      
Influenza Vaccine		--                                                                      
Nutrition Counseling		--                                                                      
Risk Factors Identified by History		--                                                                      
Routine Prenatal Tests		--                                                                      
Safety		--                                                                      
Seat Belts		--                                                                      
Sexual Activity		--                                                                      
Signs and Symptoms of Preeclampsia		--                                                                      
Smoking/Tobacco Use		--                                                                      
Social Service		--                                                                      
Special Diet Counseling		--                                                                      
Toxoplasmosis Precautions		--                                                                      
Travel		--                                                                      
Ultrasound		--                                                                      
Use of Any Medications		--                                                                      
VBAC Counseling		--                                                                      
Weight Management During Pregnancy		--                                                                      
When to Call Health Care Provider		--                                                                      
Work Hazards		--                                                                      

2nd Trimester
Abnormal Lab Values		--                                                                    
Blood Glucose Monitoring		--                                                                    
Childbirth Classes		--                                                                    
Choosing a Newborn Care Provider		--                                                                    
Domestic Violence		--                                                                    
Hypertension in Pregnancy		--                                                                    
Influenza Vaccine		--                                                                    
Postpartum Family Planning		--                                                                    
Postpartum Tubal Sterilization		--                                                                    
Premature Labor Signs and Symptoms		--                                                                    
Safety		--                                                                    
Signs and Symptoms of Preeclampsia		--                                                                    
Smoking/Tobacco Use		--                                                                    
Social Service		--                                                                    
Weight Management During Pregnancy		--                                                                    

3rd Trimester
Breast or Bottle Feeding		--                                                                    
Analgesia Plans		--                                                                    
Anesthesia Plans		--                                                                    
Birth Plan		--                                                                    
Blood Glucose Monitoring		--                                                                    
Car Seat Safety		--                                                                    
Childbirth Classes		--                                                                    
Circumcision		--                                                                    
Disability Forms		--                                                                    
Domestic Violence		--                                                                    
Family Medical Leave Forms		--                                                                    
Fetal Movement Monitoring		--                                                                    
Hypertension in Pregnancy		--                                                                    
Influenza Vaccine		--                                                                    
Labor Signs		--                                                                    
Newborn Education		--                                                                    
Postpartum Depression		--                                                                    
Postterm Counseling		--                                                                    
Safety		--                                                                    
Signs and Symptoms of Preeclampsia		--                                                                    
Ante Signs, Symptoms of PIH		--                                                                    
Smoking/Tobacco Use		--                                                                    
Social Service		--                                                                    
VBAC Counseling		--                                                                    
Verb Understanding Cervical Ripening		--                                                                    
Weight Management During Pregnancy		--                                                                    

Prenatal Educational Materials/Leaflets Provided
	No educational materials have been recorded as provided

L&D Patient Education
Activity Expectations		--                                                                    
Activity Restrictions		--                                                                    
Weight Gain		--                                                                    
Analgesia Plans		--                                                                    
Anesthesia Plans		--                                                                    
Birth Plan		--                                                                    
Blood Glucose Monitoring		--                                                                    
Contractions		--                                                                    
Diagnostic Results		--                                                                    
Domestic Violence		--                                                                    
Drug to Drug Interactions		--                                                                    
Drug to Food Interactions		--                                                                    
Epidural for Pain Management		--                                                                    
Equipment/Devices		--                                                                    
Fetal Monitoring		--                                                                    
Fetal Monitoring Assessment		--                                                                    
Fever During Pregnancy		--                                                                    
Hypertension in Pregnancy		--                                                                    
Infant Security		--                                                                    
Med Generic/Brand Name,Purpose,Action		--                                                                    
Med Preadministration Procedures		--                                                                    
Medication Dosage, Route, Scheduling		--                                                                    
Medication Instructions		--                                                                    
Medication Precautions		--                                                                    
Medication Side Effects		--                                                                    
Nutrition Counseling		--                                                                    
Pain Management		--                                                                    
Plan of Care		--                                                                    
Postoperative Instructions		--                                                                    
Premature Labor Signs and Symptoms		--                                                                    
Preoperative Instructions		--                                                                    
Reportable Symptoms		--                                                                    
Ruptured Membranes		--                                                                    
Safety		--                                                                    
Safety, Fall		--                                                                    
Seat Belts		--                                                                    
Sexual Activity Guideline/Restriction		--                                                                    
Signs and Symptoms of Preeclampsia		--                                                                    
Smoking Cessation		--                                                                    
Surgery		--                                                                    
Treatments/Procedures/Tests		--                                                                    
Tubal Sterilization		--                                                                    
Ultrasound		--                                                                    
Unit Procedures		--                                                                    
Vaccinations		--                                                                    
Vaginal Bleeding		--                                                                    
Verb Understanding Cervical Ripening		--                                                                    
Weight Management During Pregnancy		--                                                                    

Postpartum Patient Education
Activity Expectations		--                                                                    
Bladder/Bowel Function		--                                                                    
Breast Care		--                                                                    
Cardiac Disease		--                                                                    
Contact Health Care Provider		--                                                                    
Cramps		--                                                                    
Diagnostic Results		--                                                                    
Equipment/Devices		--                                                                    
Hypertension in Pregnancy		--                                                                    
Incision/Episiotomy Care		--                                                                    
Infection		--                                                                    
Lochia Changes		--                                                                    
Med Generic/Brand Name,Purpose,Action		--                                                                    
Medication Dosage, Route, Scheduling		--                                                                    
Medication Precautions		--                                                                    
Nutrition Counseling		--                                                                    
Pain Management		--                                                                    
Perineal Care		--                                                                    
Plan of Care		--                                                                    
Postoperative Instructions		--                                                                    
Postpartum Depression		--                                                                    
Preoperative Instructions		--                                                                    
Pulmonary Embolism		--                                                                    
Room Orientation		--                                                                    
Safety		--                                                                    
Safety, Fall		--                                                                    
Sibling/Family Adjustment		--                                                                    
Sitz Bath		--                                                                    
Surgery		--                                                                    
Treatments/Procedures/Tests		--                                                                    
Unit Procedures		--                                                                    
Venous Thromboembolism		--                                                                    
Vaginal Discharge		--                                                                    

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Registration and Pregnancy Information
	Race:  White		Ethnicity:  Not Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish Origin
	Marital Status:  Married
	Language(s):  English
	Religious Preference(s):  --

Address, Phone, and Health Plans
	Home Address:  12345 Main St, Kansas City, MO 64116
	Phone:  (816)888-8887 (Home), --, --

	Health Plans: 
	1 -	Self Pay
	Member/Group:  --
	Deductible: $  --	Type:  Self Pay
	Address:  --
	Phone:  --

General Prenatal Information
	OB Provider(s) Information:  Not explicitly recorded. May be noted in prenatal encounter section below.
	**See below for detailed information for all visits and information.

	Delivery Center/Hospital Information:  --
	Newborn Provider Information:  --
	Referring Provider Information:  Cerner Test, Physician - Women's Health Cerner
	Primary Provider Information:  Cerner Test, Physician - Hospitalist Cerner
	Husband/Partner Information:  --   --
	Support Person Information:  --
	Planned/Unplanned Pregnancy:  --
	Date Consent Signed for Tubal Ligation:  --
	Date Prenatal Record Sent to Hospital:  --

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Prenatal Visits and Encounters  (Known encounters since 06/12/2019. May include lab encounters.)
Date	Location	Provider	Type	Medical Service
03/04/2020	A	Cerner Test, Physician -	Inpatient	Maternity
03/04/2020	A	Carter, Kristin Cerner	Inpatient	Maternity
12/26/2019	MX Clinic 1	Cerner Test, Physician -	Outpatient	Cardiology
12/26/2019	A	Cerner Test, Physician -	Inpatient	Medicine-General

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Visit / Encounter Location Information
**The following information represents known location and contact information for locations visited during pregnancy
	Model Hospital
	No addresses found on file for location
	No phone numbers found on file for location

	Model Clinic 1
	No addresses found on file for location
	No phone numbers found on file for location

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Prenatal Visit Diagnosis   (Note:  All diagnoses documented since 06/12/2019)

	No diagnoses have been recorded for prenatal visits

				SMART, NANCY  DOB: 08/11/80
Delivery Summary
Note: Items documented with '--' had no clinical data which qualified at time of report creation

	***** END OF REPORT *****</pre><p><b>Author</b>: SYSTEM, SYSTEM Cerner</p><p><b>Effective Date/Time</b>: Apr  5, 2020  4:00 A.M. UTC</p></div>'
    'subject': {
      'reference': 'Patient/12724066',
      'display': 'SMART, NANCY'
    'status': 'completed',
    'period': {
      'start': '2020-04-04T23:00:45-05:00'
    'author': [
        'reference': 'Practitioner/1',
        'display': 'SYSTEM, SYSTEM Cerner'
    'modified': '2020-04-04T23:00:46-05:00',
    'category': [
        'coding': [
            'system': '',
            'code': 'assess-plan',
            'display': 'Assess-Plan'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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