Get a list of document references



Retrieves a list of documents that meet supplied query parameters.


  • Search results are currently limited to published clinical documents.
  • Contents of the document are found in the attachment URL.
  • See the Binary resource information to determine what authorization scopes are required and how to set the Accept header when downloading document contents.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:

  • Provider
  • Patient
  • System


Query Parameters
  • The maximum number of results to return.
    Example: _count=50
  • The logical resource ID associated with the resource.
    • This parameter is required if the patient or subject parameter is not used.
    • Must not be provided with any other parameters.
    Example: _id=1234
  • A date and time when the referenced document was created.
    • Must be provided twice, once with the ge parameter and once with the le parameter.
    • The two provided dates and times may not be equal and must form a closed range.
    • If one created parameter includes a time, both must include a time.
    Example: created=ge2017-01-07&created=le2017-02-05
  • The encounter to which the document reference belongs.
    • Must appear once, and must represent an Encounter resource.
    • May be provided with a single reference or a comma-separated list of references. Example encounter=1234 or encounter=1234,5678.
    Example: encounter=1213
  • The patient to which the document reference belongs. This parameter is required if the _id or subject parameter is not used.
    Example: patient=5678
  • The subject of the document reference.
    • May use the :Patient modifier.
    • This parameter is required if the _id or patient parameter is not used.
    • Must appear once, and must represent a Patient resource.
    • May be provided with or without the :Patient modifier. Example: subject=Patient/12345 or subject:Patient=12345.
    Example: subject=Patient/91011
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Bundle',
    'id': '0be75cc8-da20-460a-a39e-9825bdb87472',
    'type': 'searchset',
    'total': 1,
    'link': [
        'relation': 'self',
        'url': ''
    'entry': [
        'fullUrl': ''/197286315',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'DocumentReference',
          'id': '197286315',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '197286314',
            'lastUpdated': '2020-04-05T04:00:46.000Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': '<div><p><b>Document Reference</b></p><p><b>Patient Name</b>: SMART, NANCY</p><p><b>Document Type</b>: Pregnancy Summary Document</p><p><b>Document Title</b>: Pregnancy Summary Document</p><p><b>Date</b>: Apr  5, 2020  4:00 A.M. UTC</p><p><b>Document Status</b>: Auth (Verified)</p></div>'
          'subject': {
            'reference': 'Patient/12724066',
            'display': 'SMART, NANCY'
          'type': {
            'coding': [
                'system': '',
                'code': '22520442',
                'display': 'Pregnancy Summary Document',
                'userSelected': true
                'system': '',
                'code': 'UNK',
                'display': 'unknown'
            'text': 'Pregnancy Summary Document'
          'created': '2020-04-05T04:00:45.000Z',
          'indexed': '2020-04-05T04:00:45.000Z',
          'status': 'current',
          'docStatus': {
            'coding': [
                'system': '',
                'code': 'final',
                'display': 'Final'
            'text': 'Auth (Verified)'
          'description': 'Pregnancy Summary Document',
          'content': [
              'attachment': {
                'contentType': 'application/pdf',
                'url': '',
                'title': 'Pregnancy Summary Document'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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