Get a medication administration by ID



Retrieves an individual medication administration by the associated ID.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:

  • Provider
  • Patient
  • System


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example retrieval of a medication administration record by resource ID.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'MedicationAdministration',
    'id': '197292849',
    'meta': {
      'versionId': '197292850',
      'lastUpdated': '2020-07-06T21:13:24.000Z'
    'text': {
      'status': 'generated',
      'div': '<div><p><b>Medication Administration</b></p><p><b>Patient Name</b>: SMART, NANCY</p><p><b>Medication Display</b>: acetaminophen</p><p><b>Administered</b>: Yes</p><p><b>Dosage Quantity</b>: 650 mg</p><p><b>Medication Status</b>: Completed</p><p><b>Effective Time</b>: Jul  6, 2020  9:11 P.M. UTC</p></div>'
    'extension': [
        'url': '',
        'valueQuantity': {
          "value": 6.0,
          "unit": 'minutes',
          "system": '',
          "code": 'min'
    'status': 'completed',
    'patient': {
      'reference': 'Patient/12724066',
      'display': 'SMART, NANCY'
    'practitioner': {
      'reference': 'Practitioner/12724064',
      'display': 'Spence, Open Platform IA, Stephen'
    'encounter': {
      'reference': 'Encounter/97953477'
    'prescription': {
      'reference': 'MedicationOrder/313764715'
    'wasNotGiven': false,
    'effectiveTimeDateTime': '2020-07-06T21:11:00.000Z',
    'medicationCodeableConcept': {
      'coding': [
          'system': '',
          'code': '313782',
          'display': 'Acetaminophen 325 MG Oral Tablet',
          'userSelected': false
      'text': 'acetaminophen'
    'dosage': {
      'route': {
        'coding': [
            'system': '',
            'code': 'C38288',
            'display': 'ORAL',
            'userSelected': false
            'system': '',
            'code': '26643006',
            'display': 'Oral route (qualifier value)',
            'userSelected': false
        'text': 'Oral'
      'quantity': {
        'value': 650,
        'unit': 'mg',
        'system': '',
        'code': 'mg'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request,provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.

x-id-with-multiple-ingredients Response

Example retrieval of a medication administration record with multiple ingredients by resource ID.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'MedicationAdministration',
    'id': '197375293',
    'meta': {
      'versionId': '197375292',
      'lastUpdated': '2020-09-24T13:41:07.000Z'
    'text': {
      'status': 'generated',
      'div': '<div><p><b>Medication Administration</b></p><p><b>Patient Name</b>: TEST, BOB</p><p><b>Medication Display</b>: Dopamine Hydrochloride 80 MG/ML Injection</p><p><b>Administered</b>: Yes</p><p><b>Dosage Quantity</b>: 12.76 milliliter (iso1000)</p><p><b>Medication Status</b>: Completed</p><p><b>Effective Start Time</b>: Sep 24, 2020  2:00 P.M. UTC</p><p><b>Effective End Time</b>: Sep 24, 2020  2:59 P.M. UTC</p></div>'
    'extension': [
        'url': '',
        'valueQuantity': {
          "value": 6.0,
          "unit": 'minutes',
          "system": '',
          "code": 'min'
    'contained': [
        'resourceType': 'Medication',
        'id': '197375293',
        'product': {
          'ingredient': [
              'item': {
                'reference': '#197375295-1',
                'display': 'Dopamine Hydrochloride 80 MG/ML Injection'
              'amount': {
                'numerator': {
                  'value': 400,
                  'unit': 'milligram (mass)',
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'mg'
                'denominator': {
                  'value': 500,
                  'unit': 'milliliter (iso1000)',
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'mL'
              'item': {
                'reference': '#197375297-2',
                'display': '50 ML Glucose 50 MG/ML Injection'
              'amount': {
                'numerator': {
                  'value': 500,
                  'unit': 'milliliter (iso1000)',
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'mL'
                'denominator': {
                  'value': 500,
                  'unit': 'milliliter (iso1000)',
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'mL'
        'resourceType': 'Medication',
        'id': '197375295-1',
        'code': {
          'coding': [
              'system': '',
              'code': '1743951',
              'display': 'Dopamine Hydrochloride 80 MG/ML Injection',
              'userSelected': false
          'text': 'DOPamine'
        'resourceType': 'Medication',
        'id': '197375297-2',
        'code': {
          'coding': [
              'system': '',
              'code': '1795616',
              'display': '50 ML Glucose 50 MG/ML Injection',
              'userSelected': false
          'text': 'Dextrose 5% in Water'
    'status': 'completed',
    'patient': {
      'reference': 'Patient/12545984',
      'display': 'TEST, BOB'
    'practitioner': {
      'reference': 'Practitioner/1',
      'display': 'SYSTEM, SYSTEM Cerner'
    'encounter': {
      'reference': 'Encounter/97887460'
    'prescription': {
      'reference': 'MedicationOrder/316367035'
    'wasNotGiven': false,
    'effectiveTimePeriod': {
      'start': '2020-09-24T14:00:00.000Z',
      'end': '2020-09-24T14:59:00.000Z'
    'medicationReference': {
      'reference': '#197375293',
      'display': 'Dopamine Hydrochloride 80 MG/ML Injection'
    'dosage': {
      'siteCodeableConcept': {
        'coding': [
            'system': '',
            'code': '66480008',
            'display': 'Structure of left forearm (body structure)',
            'userSelected': false
        'text': 'Arm, Lower, Left'
      'quantity': {
        'value': 12.76,
        'unit': 'milliliter (iso1000)',
        'system': '',
        'code': 'mL'
      'rateRatio': {
        'numerator': {
          'value': 12.76,
          'unit': 'milliliter (iso1000)',
          'system': '',
          'code': 'mL'
        'denominator': {
          'value': 1,
          'unit': 'hour (iso1000)',
          'system': '',
          'code': 'h'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request,provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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