Create a medication statement



Creates a new medication statement.


  • If MedicationStatement.medication is a reference, it must refer to a contained medication with the code field populated and cannot have any product.ingredients populated.
  • Only medication statements about home medications or historical medications can be created. Medication statements about prescribed medications cannot be created because the MedicationStatement resource is not used to capture compliance information.
  • Only the body fields mentioned below are supported. Unsupported fields are ignored or result in errors.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:

  • Provider
  • System


Supported Media Types
Header Parameters
Body ()
The body of the create operation.
Root Schema : MedicationStatementCreate
Type: object
A summary representation of the Create (POST) operation for MedicationStatement.
Show Source
  • dosage
    How the medication is or was used by the patient.
    Note: At most one dosage can be populated.
  • effectivePeriod
    The interval of time during which the patient was taking the medication.
    Note: If effectivePeriod and dosage.timing.repeat.boundsPeriod are both populated, they must be the same value.
      "effectivePeriod": {
        "start": "2015-05-05T14:00:00.000Z",
        "end": "2015-05-06T01:00:00.000Z"
  • Identifies the medication being administered.
      "medicationReference": {
        "reference": "#456235",
        "display": "Ibuprofen"
      "medicationCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
             "code": "2551",
             "display": "Ciprofloxacin",
             "userSelected": false
        "text": "ciprofloxacin"
  • Provides extra information about the medication statement that is not conveyed by the other attributes.
      "note": "do not take with alcohol"
  • patient
    Who is or was taking the medication.
      "patient": {
        "reference": "Patient/5366327"
  • Allowed Values: [ "MedicationStatement" ]
    The type of the FHIR resource.
  • A code representing the patient or other source's judgment about the state of the medication that this statement is about.
    • When creating a medication statement, only the active status is supported.
    • When updating a medication statement, only the completed status is supported.
      "status": "active"
Nested Schema : dosage
Type: array
How the medication is or was used by the patient.
Note: At most one dosage can be populated.
Show Source
Nested Schema : effectivePeriod
Type: object
The interval of time during which the patient was taking the medication.
Note: If effectivePeriod and dosage.timing.repeat.boundsPeriod are both populated, they must be the same value.
  "effectivePeriod": {
    "start": "2015-05-05T14:00:00.000Z",
    "end": "2015-05-06T01:00:00.000Z"
Show Source
Nested Schema : patient
Type: object
Who is or was taking the medication.
  "patient": {
    "reference": "Patient/5366327"
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
  • Whether the medication is only taken when needed in a specific dosing schedule.
      "asNeededCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "25064002",
            "display": "for headache"
      "asNeededBoolean" : true
  • dosage.quantityQuantity
    The amount of therapeutic or other substance given at one administration event.
      "quantityQuantity": {
        "value": 2,
        "unit": "tabs",
        "system": "",
        "code": "tbl"
  • dosage.route
    A code specifying the route or physiological path of administration of a therapeutic agent into or onto a subject.
      "route": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "41974700",
            "display": "Chew (qualifier value)"
        "text": "Chewed"
  • dosage.siteCodeableConcept
    Where on the body the medication is or was administered.
      "siteCodeableConcept": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "368208006",
            "display": "left upper arm structure (body structure)"
        "text": "Left Arm"
  • Free-text dosage information as reported about a patient's medication use.
      "text": "2, Oral, 2x/Wk, first dose 05/05/15 10:00:00 EDT"
  • The timing schedule for giving the medication to the patient.
  • dosage.timing.code
    A code for the timing pattern.
      "code": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "TID",
            "display": "TID"
        "text": "TID"
  • A set of rules that describe when the event should occur.
  • The length of timing schedule or the outer bounds for the start and end limits of the timing schedule.
    Note: If effectivePeriod and dosage.timing.repeat.boundsPeriod are both populated, they must be the same value.
      "boundsPeriod": {
        "start": "2014-11-03T14:38:00.000-05:00"
      "boundsQuantity": {
        "value": 10,
        "unit": "days",
        "system": "",
        "code": "d"
  • A total count for the number of repetitions.
      "count": 5
Nested Schema : dosage.quantityQuantity
Type: object
The amount of therapeutic or other substance given at one administration event.
  "quantityQuantity": {
    "value": 2,
    "unit": "tabs",
    "system": "",
    "code": "tbl"
Show Source
Nested Schema : dosage.route
Type: object
A code specifying the route or physiological path of administration of a therapeutic agent into or onto a subject.
  "route": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "41974700",
        "display": "Chew (qualifier value)"
    "text": "Chewed"
Show Source
Nested Schema : dosage.siteCodeableConcept
Type: object
Where on the body the medication is or was administered.
  "siteCodeableConcept": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "368208006",
        "display": "left upper arm structure (body structure)"
    "text": "Left Arm"
Show Source
Nested Schema : dosage.timing.code
Type: object
A code for the timing pattern.
  "code": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "TID",
        "display": "TID"
    "text": "TID"
Show Source
Nested Schema : coding
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : coding
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : coding
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example Request:
Example Request Body:
    'resourceType': 'MedicationStatement',
    'contained': [
        'resourceType': 'Medication',
        'id': '123',
        'code': {
          'text': 'FHIR Test Medication'
    'patient': {
      'reference': 'Patient/12724067'
    'status': 'active',
    'medicationReference': {
      'reference': '#123'
    'dosage': [
        'timing': {
          'code': {
            'coding': [
                'system': '',
                'code': 'BID'
            'text': 'BID'
        'quantityQuantity': {
          'value': 60.0,
          'units': 'mg',
          'system': '',
          'code': 'mg'
Example Response:
  HTTP Status: 201 Created
  Connection: Keep-Alive
  Content-Encoding: gzip
  Content-Length: 20
  Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
  Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2016 21:45:47 GMT
  Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
  Last-Modified: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 19:13:20 GMT
  access-control-allow-methods: DELETE, GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, HEAD
  access-control-allow-origin: *
  access-control-expose-headers: ETag, Content-Location, Location, X-Request-Id, WWW-Authenticate, Date
  access-control-max-age: 0
  cache-control: no-cache
  etag: W/"0"
  strict-transport-security: max-age=631152000
  vary: Origin,User-Agent,Accept-Encoding
  opc-request-id: /11111111111111111111111111111111/11111111111111111111111111111111
  x-content-type-options: nosniff
  x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
  x-request-id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
  x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
  • For Update or Patch versioning controls. Related to If-Match. When a resource performs an operation that creates or updates a record, an Etag value is returned as a header. This same value should be included in request headers as an If-Match for any subsequent update to that record.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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