Get a list of procedure requests



Retrieves a list of procedure requests that meet supplied query parameters.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:

  • Patient
  • Provider
  • System


Query Parameters
  • Minimum Value: 1

    The maximum number of results to return per page.

    Example: _count=15

  • Minimum Number of Items: 1

    The logical resource ID associated with the procedure request.

    May not be provided with _lastUpdated and _count.

    Example: _id=12345

  • Collection Format: multi
    Minimum Number of Items: 1
    Maximum Number of Items: 2

    An explicit or implied date and time range within which the most recent clinically relevant update was made to the procedure request. Must be prefixed by ge or le.

    • Must include a time.
    • May be provided up to two times, and must use the ge or le prefixes. When provided twice, the lower value must have the ge prefix and the higher value must have the le prefix.
    • Only detects changes to fields that affect the clinical meaning of the order. An example of the types of changes that is not caught by this query are changes that would affect the version, but not the FHIR content.

    Example: ge2014-05-19T20:54:02.000Z

  • The logical resource ID of the patient associated with the procedure request. This parameter is required if the _id or subject parameter is not used.

    Example: patient=12724066

  • The logical resource ID of the subject associated with the procedure request. Must represent a patient. May use the :Patient modifier. This parameter is required if the _id or patient parameter is not used.


    • subject=Patient/12345
    • subject:Patient=12345

Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


Example Response (application/json+fhir)
                    "div":"<div><p><b>Procedure Request</b></p><p><b>Subject</b>: SMART, JOE</p><p><b>Procedure</b>: Immunizations Quality Measures</p><p><b>Scheduled</b>: Mar  4, 2020  5:52 P.M. UTC</p><p><b>Status</b>: Accepted</p><p><b>Orderer</b>: SYSTEM, SYSTEM Cerner</p></div>"
                    "display":"SMART, JOE"
                    "text":"Immunizations Quality Measures"
                    "display":"SYSTEM, SYSTEM Cerner"

Default Response

An OperationOutcome describing any error that occurred.

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : issue
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : details
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : location
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : coding
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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