Get a related person record by ID



Retrieves an individual related person record by the associated related person ID.

This operation supports the following authorization types:
  • Provider
  • Patient
  • System


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example retrieval of a related person record. Example Request:
Example Response:

    'resourceType': 'RelatedPerson',
    'id': '490017058',
    'meta': {
      'versionId': '6'
    'text': {
      'status': 'generated',
      'div': '<div><p><b>RelatedPerson</b></p><p><b>Name</b>: SMART, HAILEY</p><p><b>DOB</b>: Dec  2, 2003</p>'\
            '<p><b>Sex</b>: Female</p></div>'
    'identifier': [
        'use': 'usual',
        'type': {
          'coding': [
              'system': '',
              'code': 'AN',
              'display': 'Account number',
              'userSelected': false
          'text': 'Federated Person Principal'
        'system': 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.3.13.6',
        'value': 'URN:CERNER:IDENTITY-FEDERATION:REALM:E8A84236-C258-4952-98B7-A6FF8A9C587A-CH:'\
        '_value': {
          'extension': [
              'url': '',
              'valueString': 'URN:CERNER:IDENTITY-FEDERATION:REALM:E8A84236-C258-4952-98B7-'\
        'period': {
          'start': '2020-06-30T20:26:38.000Z'
    'patient': {
      'reference': 'Patient/12724066',
      'display': 'SMART, NANCY'
    'name': {
      'use': 'official',
      'text': 'SMART, HAILEY',
      'family': [
      'given': [
      'period': {
        'start': '2019-12-26T15:15:35.000Z'
    'telecom': [
        'system': 'phone',
        'value': '8168888886',
        'use': 'home',
        'period': {
          'start': '2019-12-26T15:15:35.000Z'
        'system': 'email',
        'value': '',
        'use': 'home',
        'period': {
          'start': '2020-06-30T19:56:19.000Z'
    'gender': 'female',
    'birthDate': '2003-12-02',
    'address': [
        'use': 'home',
        'text': '12345 Main St\nKansas City, MO 64116\nUS',
        'line': [
          '12345 Main St'
        'city': 'Kansas City',
        'district': 'Jackson',
        'state': 'MO',
        'postalCode': '64116',
        'country': 'US',
        'period': {
          'start': '2019-12-26T15:15:03.000Z'
    'period': {
      'start': '2019-12-26T16:06:26.000Z'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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