Get a list of care teams



Retrieves a list of care teams that meet supplied query parameters.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:


Query Parameters
  • The logical resource ID associated with the resource. This parameter is required if patient or encounter is not provided.
    Example: _id=12345
  • Provenance resource entries to be returned as part of the bundle.
    • May be provided once with the Provenance:target value. Example: _revinclude=Provenance:target
    • May be provided with the _id or patient parameter. Example: _id=LIFETIME_PROVIDER-4169494-0-4105597-0-0-0&_revinclude=Provenance:target
    • When _revinclude is provided in a request to the closed endpoint, the OAuth2 token must include the scope corresponding with the authorization type, such as user/, patient/, or system/
    Example: _revinclude=Provenance:target
  • The scope of the care team being searched for.
    • Only supports the longitudinal and encounter codes.
    • Can only be used with the patient parameter.
    • The longitudinal and encounter codes are defined by the CareTeam category system.
    Example: category=longitudinal
  • Who the care team is for.
    • This parameter is required if _id or patient is not provided.
    • Cannot be combined with category or status.
    Example: encounter=98765
  • Who the care team is for.
    • This parameter is required if _id or encounter is not provided.
    • May be combined with status per US Core guidelines.
    • May be combined with category.
    Example: patient=12345
  • Indicates the status of the care team
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example search.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Bundle',
    'id': '8c34294c-ba46-492d-bb8e-9937db0ddd5b',
    'type': 'searchset',
    'link': [
        'relation': 'self',
        'url': ''
        'relation': 'next',
        'url': ''
    'entry': [
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': R4_CARE_TEAM_ENTRY
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.

x-with-_revinclude Response

Example search for a care team using the _revinclude parameter.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Bundle',
    'id': '0bcf7619-a5c4-4363-b234-3803f7cb0d44',
    'type': 'searchset',
    'link': [
        'relation': 'self',
        'url': ''
    'entry': [
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
          'id': 'LIFETIME_PROVIDER-4169494-0-4105597-0-0-0',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '1606412761',
            'lastUpdated': '2020-11-26T17:46:01Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': '<div xmlns=""><p><b>Care Team</b></p><p><b>Patient</b>: SHEPARD, JACK</p><p><b>Status</b>: Active</p><p><b>Category</b>: Longitudinal-focused care team</p><p><b>Participant</b>:</p><ul><li>Name: ONEPLAN, ONEPLAN; Role: Family medicine specialist (occupation)</li></ul></div>'
          'status': 'active',
          'category': [
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'LA28865-6',
                  'display': 'Longitudinal-focused care team'
              'text': 'Longitudinal-focused care team'
          'subject': {
            'reference': 'Patient/4169494',
            'display': 'SHEPARD, JACK'
          'participant': [
              'role': [
                  'coding': [
                      'system': '',
                      'code': '62247001',
                      'display': 'Family medicine specialist (occupation)'
                  'text': 'Family medicine specialist (occupation)'
              'member': {
                'reference': 'Practitioner/4105597',
                'display': 'ONEPLAN, ONEPLAN'
              'period': {
                'start': '2020-06-22T10:05:08Z',
                'end': '2100-12-31T00:00:00Z'
        'search': {
          'mode': 'match'
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'Provenance',
          'id': 'INT.cteam-LIFETIME_PROVIDER-4169494-0-4105597-0-0-0',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '00a5d6eb-c567-42f7-be07-53804cece075',
            'lastUpdated': '2020-07-06T19:36:23Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': ''<div xmlns=""><p><b>Provenance</b></p><p><b>Target</b>:</p><ul><li>CareTeam/LIFETIME_PROVIDER-4169494-0-4105597-0-0-0</li></ul><p><b>RecordedSpence, Open Platform IA, Stephen</b>: Jul  6, 2020  7:36 P.M. UTC</p><p><b>Agents</b>:</p><dl><dt></dt><dd><b>Agent Type</b>: Author</dd><dd><b>Agent Role</b>: Source</dd></dl></div>'
          'target': [
              'reference': 'CareTeam/LIFETIME_PROVIDER-4169494-0-4105597-0-0-0'
          'recorded': '2020-07-06T19:36:23Z',
          'agent': [
              'type': {
                'coding': [
                    'system': '',
                    'code': 'author'
                'text': 'Author'
              'role': [
                  'coding': [
                      'system': '',
                      'code': 'SOURCE'
                  'text': 'Source'
              'who': {
                'reference': 'Practitioner/12724064',
                'display': 'Spence, Open Platform IA, Stephen'
        'search': {
          'mode': 'include'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.

x-with-patient-auth Response

Example search for a care team using patient authorization.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Bundle',
    'id': '0bcf7619-a5c4-4363-b234-3803f7cb0d44',
    'type': 'searchset',
    'link': [
        'relation': 'self',
        'url': ''
    'entry': [
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': R4_CARE_TEAM_ENTRY
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
          'id': 'LIFETIME_PROVIDER-4169494-0-4105597-0-0-0',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '1606412761',
            'lastUpdated': '2020-11-26T17:46:01Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': '<div xmlns=""><p><b>Care Team</b></p><p><b>Patient</b>: SHEPARD, JACK</p><p><b>Status</b>: Active</p><p><b>Category</b>: Longitudinal-focused care team</p><p><b>Participant</b>:</p><ul><li>Name: ONEPLAN, ONEPLAN; Role: Family medicine specialist (occupation)</li></ul></div>'
          'status': 'active',
          'category': [
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'LA28865-6',
                  'display': 'Longitudinal-focused care team'
              'text': 'Longitudinal-focused care team'
          'subject': {
            'reference': 'Patient/4169494',
            'display': 'SHEPARD, JACK'
          'participant': [
              'role': [
                  'coding': [
                      'system': '',
                      'code': '62247001',
                      'display': 'Family medicine specialist (occupation)'
                  'text': 'Family medicine specialist (occupation)'
              'member': {
                'reference': 'Practitioner/4105597',
                'display': 'ONEPLAN, ONEPLAN'
              'period': {
                'start': '2020-06-22T10:05:08Z',
                'end': '2100-12-31T00:00:00Z'
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'CareTeam',
          'id': 'LIFETIME_PROVIDER-4169494-0-4090846-0-0-0',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '1606743013',
            'lastUpdated': '2020-11-30T13:30:13Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': '<div xmlns=""><p><b>Care Team</b></p><p><b>Patient</b>: SHEPARD, JACK</p><p><b>Status</b>: Active</p><p><b>Category</b>: Longitudinal-focused care team</p><p><b>Participant</b>:</p><ul><li>Name: P, Ashoka; Role: Clinical oncologist (occupation)</li></ul></div>'
          'status': 'active',
          'category': [
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'LA28865-6',
                  'display': 'Longitudinal-focused care team'
              'text': 'Longitudinal-focused care team'
          'subject': {
            'reference': 'Patient/4169494',
            'display': 'SHEPARD, JACK'
          'participant': [
              'role': [
                  'coding': [
                      'system': '',
                      'code': '309295000',
                      'display': 'Clinical oncologist (occupation)'
                  'text': 'Clinical oncologist (occupation)'
              'member': {
                'reference': 'Practitioner/4090846',
                'display': 'P, Ashoka'
              'period': {
                'start': '2020-06-22T10:05:08Z',
                'end': '2100-12-31T00:00:00Z'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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