Patch a coverage



Patches existing encounter-level or patient-level coverage.


  • This implementation follows the JSON Patch specification.
  • Only operations on the paths listed below are supported.
  • For private coverages, both encounter-level and patient-level coverages may be patched, with the caveat of only supporting the /period and /dependent operations on patient-level coverages.
  • For public coverages, both encounter-level and patient-level coverages may be patched, with the caveat of only supporting the /period and /class/0/value operations.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:

Patch Operations

Path Operation Value Type
/class/0/value replace string
  • Description: The alphanumeric string value associated with the insurer-issued label.
  • Example:
  • {
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/class/0/value",
      "value": "729825"
  • Note:
    • For private coverages, the Coverage.class at index 0 represents the plan for the coverage.
    • For public coverages, the Coverage.class at index 0 represents the charging category for the coverage.
/class/1/value replace string
  • Description: The alphanumeric string value associated with the insurer-issued label.
  • Example:
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/class/1/value",
      "value": "729825"
  • Note:
    • This path should be used only to replace the policy group number.
    • The Coverage.class at index 1 represents the group for the coverage.
    • When no value is provided for this patch operation, the Coverage.class[1].value is unset.
/class/1/name replace string
  • Description: A short description for the class.
  • Example:
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/class/1/name",
      "value": "name"
  • Note:
    • The Coverage.class at index 1 represents the group for the coverage.
    • When no value is provided for this patch operation, the Coverage.class[1].name is unset.
/dependent replace string
  • Description: A unique identifier for a dependent under the coverage.
  • Example:
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/dependent",
      "value": "9816564"
  • Note: When no value is provided for this patch operation, the Coverage.dependent is unset.
/period replace Period
  • Description: The time period during which the coverage is in force. A missing start date indicates that the start date is unknown. A missing end date indicates that the coverage continues to be in force.
  • Example:
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/period",
      "value": {
        "start": "2014-09-05T14:30:12.000Z",
        "end": "2015-09-05T14:30:12.000Z"
  • Note:
    • When no start value is provided for this patch operation, the Coverage.period.start is unset.
    • When no end value is provided for this patch operation, the Coverage.period.end is unset.
    • When start or end values are provided, time components must be provided.
/relationship replace CodeableConcept
  • Description: The relationship of the beneficiary (patient) to the subscriber.
  • Example:
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/relationship",
      "value": {
        "coding": [
            "system": "",
            "code": "parent"
  • Note: When no value is provided for this patch operation, the Coverage.relationship is unset.
/subscriberId replace string
  • Description: The insurer -assigned ID for the subscriber.
  • Example:
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/subscriberId",
      "value": "4655446"
  • Note: When no value is provided for this patch operation, the Coverage.subscriberId is unset.
/subscriber replace Reference
  • Description: The party who has signed-up for or owns the contractual relationship to the policy or to whom the benefit of the policy for services rendered to them or their family is due.
  • Example:
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "/subscriber",
      "value": {
        "reference": "Patient/1626016"
  • Note: Coverage.subscriber supports only patient references


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Header Parameters
Body ()
The body of the patch operation
Root Schema : CoveragePatch
Type: array
Minimum Number of Items: 1
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example Request:
Example Request Body:
      'op': 'replace',
      'path': '/class/0/value',
      'value': '729825'
      'op': 'replace',
      'path': '/class/1/value',
      'value': '456'
      'op': 'replace',
      'path': '/class/1/name',
      'value': 'Miscellaneous Commercial Health Plan'
      'op': 'replace',
      'path': '/dependent',
      'value': '9816564'
      'op': 'replace',
      'path': '/period',
      'value': {
        'start': '2014-09-05T14:30:12.000Z',
        'end': '2015-09-05T14:30:12.000Z'
      'op': 'replace',
      'path': '/relationship',
      'value': {
        'coding': [
            'system': '',
            'code': 'parent'
      'op': 'replace',
      'path': '/subscriberId',
      'value': '4655446'
      'op': 'replace',
      'path': '/subscriber',
      'value': {
        'reference': 'Patient/1626016'
Example Response:
  Cache-Control: no-cache
  Content-Length: 0
  Content-Type: text/html
  Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 15:42:29 GMT
  Etag: W/"10"
  Last-Modified: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 15:42:27 GMT
  Vary: Origin
  X-Request-Id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
  opc-request-id: /11111111111111111111111111111111/11111111111111111111111111111111
The ETag response header indicates the current If-Match version to use on a subsequent update.
  • For Update or Patch versioning controls. Related to If-Match. When a resource performs an operation that creates or updates a record, an Etag value is returned as a header. This same value should be included in request headers as an If-Match for any subsequent update to that record.
  • For Update or Patch versioning controls. Related to Etag. When a resource performs an operation that creates or updates a record, an Etag value is returned as a header. This same value should be included in request headers as an If-Match for any subsequent update to that record.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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