Get a list of caregiver organizations



Retrieves a list of caregiver organizations that meet supplied query parameters. Only a single _id parameter can be used.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:


Query Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example $get-cg-for-mrcu operation.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Bundle',
    'id': '02116a06-1bef-4397-9347-8d9ae1e98173',
    'type': 'searchset',
    'total': 1,
    'link': [
        'relation': 'self',
        'url': '$get-cg-for-mrcu?_id=3304067'
    'entry': [
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'Organization',
          'id': '3304066',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '1',
            'lastUpdated': '2020-12-11T21:05:24Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': '<div xmlns=\"\"><p><b>Organization</b></p><p><b>Name</b>: s5gcq4ZbcYMSVC CORE test organization1ZybNk7kCr0</p><p><b>Status</b>: Active</p><p><b>TAXID</b>: zYuYtCHkmh</p><p><b>OID</b>: urn:oid:</p></div>'
          'identifier': [
              'use': 'official',
              'system': 'urn:oid:2.16.840.1.113883.4.4',
              'value': 'zYuYtCHkmh'
              'use': 'official',
              'type': {
                'coding': [
                    'system': '',
                    'code': 'OID',
                    'display': 'OID',
                    'userSelected': true
                    'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',
                    'code': 'urn:oid',
                    'display': 'OID'
                'text': 'OID'
              'system': 'urn:ietf:rfc:3986',
              'value': 'urn:oid:'
          'active': true,
          'type': [
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'HOSPITAL',
                  'display': 'Hospital',
                  'userSelected': true
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'prov',
                  'display': 'Healthcare Provider'
              'text': 'Hospital'
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'CHARTACCESS',
                  'display': 'Chart Access',
                  'userSelected': true
              'text': 'Chart Access'
              'coding': [
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'PHARMACY',
                  'display': 'Pharmacy',
                  'userSelected': true
                  'system': '',
                  'code': 'dept',
                  'display': 'Hospital Department'
              'text': 'Pharmacy'
          'name': 's5gcq4ZbcYMSVC CORE test organization1ZybNk7kCr0',
          'telecom': [
              'system': 'sms',
              'value': '88793851',
              'use': 'mobile'
              'system': 'phone',
              'value': '13294723851',
              'use': 'work'
              'system': 'email',
              'value': ''
          'address': [
              'use': 'work',
              'text': '6276 Rockriver Drive\\nKansas City, MO 64117\\nUS',
              'line': [
                '6276 Rockriver Drive'
              'city': 'Kansas City',
              'state': 'MO',
              'postalCode': '64117',
              'country': 'US'
              'use': 'billing',
              'text': '6276 Rockriver Drive\nKansas City, MO 64117\nUS',
              'line': [
                '6276 Rockriver Drive'
              'city': 'Kansas City',
              'state': 'MO',
              'postalCode': '64117',
              'country': 'US'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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