Get a procedure by ID



Retrieves an individual procedure by the associated procedure ID.


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

This operation supports the following authorization types: Example Request:
Example Response:
  "resourceType": "Procedure",
  "id": "2572382193",
  "meta": {
    "versionId": "0",
    "lastUpdated": "2020-06-11T04:02:54Z"
  "text": {
    "status": "generated",
    "div": "<div xmlns=""><p><b>Procedure</b></p><p><b>Patient</b>: SMART, NANCY</p><p><b>Procedure</b>: Appendectomy;</p><p><b>Date</b>: 2002</p><p><b>Status</b>: Completed</p><p><b>Recorder</b>: Cerner Test, Physician - Women's Health Cerner</p></div>"
  "status": "completed",
  "code": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "44950",
        "display": "Appendectomy;",
        "userSelected": true
    "text": "Appendectomy;"
  "subject": {
    "reference": "Patient/12724066",
    "display": "SMART, NANCY"
  "encounter": {
    "reference": "Encounter/97953477"
  "performedDateTime": "2002",
  "recorder": {
    "reference": "Practitioner/4122630",
    "display": "Cerner Test, Physician - Women's Health Cerner"
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.

x-error-in-status Response

This operation supports the following authorization types: Example Request:
GET /r4/ec2458f2-1e24-41c8-b71b-0e701af7583d/Procedure/1788134987
Example Response:
  "resourceType": "Procedure",
  "id": "1788134987",
  "meta": {
    "versionId": "0",
    "lastUpdated": "2019-09-05T22:38:38Z"
  "text": {
    "status": "generated",
    "div": "<div xmlns=""><p><b>Procedure</b></p><p><b>Patient</b>: MARSTON, JACK</p><p><b>Procedure</b>: Error</p><p><b>Status</b>: Entered in Error</p></div>"
  "status": "entered-in-error",
  "code": {
    "coding": [
        "system": "",
        "code": "error",
        "display": "Error"
    "text": "Error"
  "subject": {
    "reference": "Patient/166045489",
    "display": "MARSTON, JACK"
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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