Get a provenance by ID



Retrieves an individual provenance by the associated provenance ID.

Authorization Types

This operation supports the following authorization types:


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example retrieval of a provenance record by resource ID.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Provenance',
    'id': 'doc-881057',
    'meta': {
      'versionId': '881057',
      'lastUpdated': '2019-10-25T14:57:43Z'
    'text': {
      'status': 'generated',
      'div': '<div xmlns=""><p><b>Provenance</b></p><p><b>Target</b>:</p><ul><li>DocumentReference/881049</li></ul><p><b>Recorded</b>: Oct 25, 2019  9:57 A.M. CDT</p><p><b>Agents</b>:</p><dl><dt>Baseline East Medical Center</dt><dd><b>Agent Type</b>: Author</dd><dd><b>Agent Role</b>: Source</dd></dl><p><b>Entity Source</b>: DocumentReference/S-202</p></div>'
    'target': [
        'reference': 'DocumentReference/881049'
    'recorded': '2019-10-25T14:57:43Z',
    'agent': [
        'type': {
          'coding': [
              'system': '',
              'code': 'author'
          'text': 'Author'
        'role': [
            'coding': [
                'system': '',
                'code': 'SOURCE'
            'text': 'Source'
        'who': {
          'reference': 'Organization/619848',
          'display': 'Baseline East Medical Center'
    'entity': [
        'role': 'source',
        'what': {
          'reference': 'DocumentReference/S-202'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.

x-with-patient-auth Response

Example retrieval of a provenance record using patient authorization.
Example Request:
Example Response:
    'resourceType': 'Bundle',
    'id': '3ddac8f3-0c3a-41fd-bd0a-1daeb6a42db9',
    'type': 'searchset',
    'total': 1,
    'link': [
        'relation': 'self',
        'url': ''
    'entry': [
        'fullUrl': '',
        'resource': {
          'resourceType': 'Provenance',
          'id': 'all-1595070',
          'meta': {
            'versionId': '1595070',
            'lastUpdated': '2019-12-09T16:49:43Z'
          'text': {
            'status': 'generated',
            'div': '<div xmlns=\"\"><p><b>Provenance</b></p><p><b>Target</b>:</p><ul><li>AllergyIntolerance/S-1595069</li></ul><p><b>Recorded</b>: Dec  9, 2019 10:49 A.M. CST</p><p><b>Agents</b>:</p><dl><dt>Unknown</dt><dd><b>Agent Type</b>: Author</dd><dd><b>Agent Role</b>: Source</dd></dl><p><b>Entity Source</b>: DocumentReference/S-200</p></div>'
          'target': [
              'reference': 'AllergyIntolerance/S-1595069'
          'recorded': '2019-12-09T16: 49: 43Z',
          'agent': [
              'type': {
                'coding': [
                    'system': 'http: //',
                    'code': 'author'
                'text': 'Author'
              'role': [
                  'coding': [
                      'system': 'http: //',
                      'code': 'SOURCE'
                  'text': 'Source'
              'who': {
                'reference': 'Organization/50',
                'display': 'Unknown'
          'entity': [
              'role': 'source',
              'what': {
                'reference': 'DocumentReference/S-200'
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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