Create an Event



Validates user access and creates an Event in Revenue Cycle with all supported fields.


Path Parameters
Header Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Event object sent in request body that has to be written.
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Nested Schema : identifier
Type: object
Business identifier for the event.
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Nested Schema : subject
Type: object
PersonId/encounterId/accountId/claimId reference object associated with the event request.
Match All
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Nested Schema : type
Type: object
Type of an event.
Match All
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Nested Schema : uri
Type: array
Uri associated to event occurrence.
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Nested Schema : Identifier
Type: object
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Nested Schema : ReferenceEntity
Type: object
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  • Account IDs must be prefixed with the following pattern if they come from source other than Cerner's FHIR resources. Financial (Patient) Accounts = F Insurance Balance Accounts = I
    Example: Encounter/2261599
Nested Schema : Type
Type: object
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Nested Schema : coding
Type: array
Coding object of an event.
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Nested Schema : Coding
Type: object
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  • Event code identifier.
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Supported Media Types

201 Response

Creates an Event and returns the Last-Modified and Location headers.

400 Response

Bad Request for missing required fields or invalid reference type.
Body ()
Root Schema : EventResponse
Type: object
Event response object
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401 Response

Unauthorized for an expired access token or no access token.
Body ()
Root Schema : EventResponse
Type: object
Event response object
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403 Response

Forbidden if OAuth2 scope in the authorization token does not have access.
Body ()
Root Schema : EventResponse
Type: object
Event response object
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422 Response

Unsupported Media Type if Content-Type header provides an unsupported value.
Body ()
Root Schema : EventResponse
Type: object
Event response object
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500 Response

Internal Server Error if an error occurs while creating the event.
Body ()
Root Schema : EventResponse
Type: object
Event response object
Show Source
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