Get bulk data request status



Once a bulk data request has started, bulk client applications can query its status by issuing an HTTP GET to the polling content location associated with the bulk data request.


Header Parameters
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

Example Request

Scenarios where polling content location matches the value returned in the response to the initial bulk data request.


A status request has the following possible responses:
  • In Progress: Soarian Clinicals is building the bulk data response but has not yet finished it.
  • Error: Soarian Clinicals encountered an error while building the bulk data response.
  • Complete: Soarian Clinicals finished building the bulk data response and it is ready for download.

Example ??? In Progress

A successful response includes the following messages:
  • HTTP Status Code: 202 Accepted.
  • X-Progress: A string estimating how much of the bulk data response has been built.
    Status: 202 Accepted
  • x-progress : 23.0% complete.

Example ??? Error

An error response includes the following information:
  • HTTP Status Code: 4XX or 5XX.
  • FHIR OperationOutcome: This information is included in the body of the error response.
  • {
      "resourceType": "OperationOutcome",
      "id": "af736a47-a308-49df-ba17-0eb3e0bb4830",
      "issue": [
          "severity": "error",
          "code": "not-found",
          "details": {
            "text": "Population Group with group id  not assigned in FHIR Population\n\t\t\t\t\tApplication Configuration tool for Population Application .\n\t\t\t\t\tReference id for support: [af736a47-a308-49df-ba17-0eb3e0bb4830]."
    This error response indicates that the operation has completely failed, that is, no NDJSON files containing bulk data have been created. In the case where the operation has partially succeeded (some??? but not all??? NDJSON files containing bulk data were created), the response indicates a Complete status.

Example ??? Complete

A 100% successful response includes HTTP Status Code: 200 OK.

The body of the response includes a list of output file URLs in the output array element.
Status: 200 OK
{ "transactionTime": "2022-05-10T03:03:04Z", "request": "$export?_type=Patient", "requiresAccessToken": "true", "output": [ { "type": "Patient", "url": "" } ], "error": [ ] }
A partially successful response also includes a list of output file URLs in the output array element, pointing to data files that were successfully created. The response body also contains an error array element, which contains a list of URLs that point to NDJSON OperationOutcome resources that detail the errors encountered.
Status: 200 OK
{ "transactionTime": "2022-05-10T03:17:51Z", "request": "$export?_type=Goal,Patient,Procedure", "requiresAccessToken": "true", "output": [ { "type": "Patient", "url": "" }, { "type": "Goal", "url": "" } ], "error": [ ] }


The following common errors and OperationOutcomes may be returned from the status request:
HTTP Status Cause Severity Code
404 The Population Application is not defined or not active. error not-found
404 The Request ID was not found. error not-found
404 This request was previously canceled or has expired. error deleted
406 The Bulk Data Server rejected this Status Request operation due to an invalid Accept header. error structure
500 An internal error occurred. fatal exception
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the X-Request-Id, if present.
  • Unique Oracle-assigned identifier for the request. If you need to contact Oracle about a particular request, provide the opc-Request-Id, if present.
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