
This topic describes information for the Condition resource.

To interact with the REST endpoints in the Condition resource, see Condition.


The Condition resource represents problems, diagnoses, and health concerns. Problems are either ongoing conditions not associated with a specific encounter or point-in-time conditions recorded in the context of an encounter. Diagnoses are point-in-time conditions recorded in the context of an encounter. Health concerns represent other health issues or situations that may require ongoing monitoring or management, such as financial or social risks.

Soarian Clinicals supports a read-only Application Programming Interface (API). This API accepts GET and POST based search and GET based read interactions. The response represents the most current information about the patient that is charted in Soarian Clinicals at the time of the query.


The examples provided here are non-normative and replaying them in the public sandbox is not guaranteed to yield the results shown on the site. The field is present only when a problem or diagnosis is marked as confidential.

Error: The common Client Errors (for more information, see R4 Overview) and OperationOutcomes may be returned.

The search results include the following fields if they contain values:

Terminology Bindings