
This topic describes information for the Patient resource.

To interact with the REST endpoints in the Patient resource, see Patient.


The Patient resource provides general demographic information about a person receiving health care services from a specific organization. Common demographic fields include patient ID, patient name, gender, date of birth, address, phone, and primary language. Additional concepts returned as extensions and not part of the base resource include race, ethnicity, and birth sex. Soarian Clinicals is a patient-centric application, so many of its other resources include the patient ID in their queries. A person receiving care from multiple organizations may have data available in multiple patient resources in multiple Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) servers.

Soarian Clinicals supports a read-only Application Programming Interface (API). This API accepts GET and POST based search and GET based read interactions. The response represents the most current information about the patient that is charted in Soarian Clinicals at the time of the query.


The examples provided here are non-normative, and replaying them in the public sandbox is not guaranteed to yield the results shown on the site.

Error: The common errors and OperationOutcomes may be returned.

The search results include the following fields if they contain values:

Terminology Bindings