All REST Endpoints

The operations from the AllergyIntolerance category.
Get a list of allergy intolerances
Method: get
Path: /AllergyIntolerance
Get an allergy intolerance by ID
Method: get
Path: /AllergyIntolerance/{ID}
The operations from the Binary category.
Get a binary by ID
Method: get
Path: /Binary/{ID}
The operations from the CapabilityStatement category.
Get authorization endpoints and launch capabilities
Method: get
Path: /.well-known/smart-configuration
Gets capabilities and configurations of implementation
Method: get
Path: /metadata
The operations from the CarePlan category.
Get a care plan by ID
Method: get
Path: /CarePlan/{ID}
Get a list of care plans
Method: get
Path: /CarePlan
The operations from the CareTeam category.
Get a care team by ID
Method: get
Path: /CareTeam/{ID}
Get a list of care teams
Method: get
Path: /CareTeam
The operations from the Condition category.
Get a condition by ID
Method: get
Path: /Condition/{ID}
Get a list of conditions
Method: get
Path: /Condition
The operations from the Device category.
Get a device by its ID
Method: get
Path: /Device/{ID}
Get a list of devices
Method: get
Path: /Device
The operations from the DiagnosticReport category.
Get a diagnostic report by ID
Method: get
Path: /DiagnosticReport/{ID}
Get a list of diagnostic reports
Method: get
Path: /DiagnosticReport
The operations from the DocumentReference category.
Gets a document reference by ID
Method: get
Path: /DocumentReference/{ID}
Gets the document reference
Method: get
Path: /DocumentReference
The operations from the Encounter category.
Get a list of encounters
Method: get
Path: /Encounter
Get an encounter by ID
Method: get
Path: /Encounter/{ID}
The operations from the Goal category.
Get a goal by ID
Method: get
Path: /Goal/{ID}
Get a list of goals
Method: get
Path: /Goal
The operations from the Immunization category.
Get a immunization by ID
Method: get
Path: /Immunization/{ID}
Get a list of immunizations
Method: get
Path: /Immunization
The operations from the MedicationRequest category.
Get a list of medication requests
Method: get
Path: /MedicationRequest
Get a medication request by ID
Method: get
Path: /MedicationRequest/{ID}
The operations from the Observation category.
Get a list of observations
Method: get
Path: /Observation
Get an observation by ID
Method: get
Path: /Observation/{ID}
The operations from the OperationDefinition category.
Get a list of operations
Method: get
Path: /OperationDefinition
Get an operation by ID
Method: get
Path: /OperationDefinition/{ID}
The operations from the Organization category.
Get a list of organizations
Method: get
Path: /Organization
Get an organization by ID
Method: get
Path: /Organization/{ID}
The operations from the Patient category.
Get a list of patients
Method: get
Path: /Patient
Get a patient by ID
Method: get
Path: /Patient/{ID}
The operations from the Person category.
Get a list of people
Method: get
Path: /Person
Get a person by ID
Method: get
Path: /Person/{ID}
The operations from the Practitioner category.
Get a practitioner by ID
Method: get
Path: /Practitioner/{ID}
Gets a list of practitioners
Method: get
Path: /Practitioner
The operations from the Procedure category.
Get a list of procedures
Method: get
Path: /Procedure
Get a procedure by ID
Method: get
Path: /Procedure/{ID}
The operations from the Provenance category.
Get a provenance by ID
Method: get
Path: /Provenance/{ID}