
Oracle Hospitality Cruise Property Management Border Control uses OAuth 2.0 protocol for authentication, enable clients to connect securely to the server using Client Credential authorization grant.


Ensure that you have the appropriate login credentials for using Oracle Hospitality Cruise Property Management Border Control. Existing Administrator/User account details which customer uses to access Oracle Hospitality Cruise Shipboard Property Management System is valid and able to continue to access Oracle Hospitality Cruise Property Management Border Control REST APIs.

You access the Oracle Hospitality Cruise Property Management Border Control REST resources over HTTPS and you must provide the following information for authentication:

  • User name and password for your Oracle Hospitality Cruise Property Management Border Control account.

  • Client's public identifier, indicates which client or application is performing the request.

  • The authorization grant type, which is password.

For example, to authenticate using cURL:

  • Construct a POST request using the -X cURL option.

  • Prepare the request body encoded in application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type using -d cURL option.

  • Pass the user name, password, client identifier and grant type in the form of key-value pairs in -d cURL option.

The following provides an example cURL command:

curl -i -X POST -d "username={username}&password={password}&grant_type=password&client_id={clientid}" 