All REST Endpoints

Generate OAuth token
Method: post
Path: /spms/access/token
Invalidate OAuth token
Method: delete
Path: /spms/access/token
Register Client Application
Method: post
Path: /spms/access/clients
Retrieve login user details
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/userDetails
Configurations/EES Configurations
Retrieve configured EES configuration
Method: get
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/configurations/eesConfigurations
Update configured EES configuration
Method: put
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/configurations/eesConfigurations
Configurations/Nationality Group
Retrieve list of enabled Nationality Groups
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/configurations/nationalityGroups/enabled
Configurations/Ship information
Retrieve ship information for the current login user
Method: get
Path: /spms/v2/userDetails/me/shipProperties
Configurations/Ship name
Retrieve the Ship name
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/configurations/shipProperty
Configurations/System Date, Time and Time Zone Formats
The operations from the Configurations/System Date, Time and Time Zone Formats category.
Retrieve configured system date, time and time zone format
Method: get
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/configurations/systemDateTimeFormat
Retrieve Cruise Itineraries
Method: get
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/cruiseItineraries
Entry Exit System/EES Guest Status
The operations from the Entry Exit System/EES Guest Status category.
Retrieve listing of guests with EES status
Method: get
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/borderControls/ees/guestsEesStatusList
Entry Exit System/EES Request Files
Create EES request file
Method: post
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/borderControls/ees/manifests
Delete EES Request File
Method: delete
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/borderControls/ees/manifests/{id}
Retrieve EES request file guest manifest details
Method: get
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/borderControls/ees/manifests
Retrieve generated EES request file
Method: get
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/borderControls/ees/requestFiles
Retrieve guest manifest to generate EES request file
Method: get
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/borderControls/ees/guestManifestLists
Entry Exit System/EES Response Files
Delete guest record after updated EES Response File
Method: delete
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/borderControls/ees/updateManifests/{folioNumber}
Update EES Response File
Method: put
Path: /spms/v2/ships/{shipId}/borderControls/ees/updateManifests
List of values/Travel Document Types
Retrieve list of all enabled travel document types
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/configurations/travelDocumentTypes/enabled