1 Features and Updates

The content below is a list of features and updates for the Oracle Hospitality Cruise Property Management Border Control 23.1.0 release.

Tools and Technology Updates

The following controls have been upgraded to meet compliance standards.

  • Oracle Helidon to version 3.2.8

  • Apache Tomcat to version 10.1.25

  • RAPID to 15.0.0

Entry / Exit System (EES)

The application is designed to be simple, easy to use and adhering to EES requirements. It enable users to perform the necessary tasks and fulfill all requirements seamlessly.

EES Setup

This feature allow to determine the nationality groups to be included, and the types of document to exclude in the EES requests file

EES Request File

The function determines the location of the export file generated for submission to EU-LISA EES application

EES Response File

This function allow you to upload and processes the responses received from EES application, enabling the status to be reflected on each passenger’s profile

Manage EES Response File

This option provides the ability to correct to the passenger manifest errors, if any and regenerate a new EES request file