Part  Installing Cruise Property Management Border Control Rest API/Web Application Server

  • The Time zone on both the Web application server and API server must be the same. It is recommended that you use the database server time zone.

  • The minimum version of SPMS Database must be v8.0.22.3 or later. If you are running on version lower than the stated, upgrade the SPMS database version before continuing.

  • The Web application server and API server do not require IIS.

  • Java JDK version 17.0.4 and above is required.

  • A tool for generating certificates. As an example, this document uses a custom tool for our internal team to generate Json web Key (JWK). Other tools are available. We recommend that you select a tool that suits your security requirements. Whichever tool you use, ensure that it is virus scanned and virus-free, up to date, and patch with the latest security fixes. Otherwise, you could compromise your environment.

  • The API and Web application access uses a Secure Socket Layer and Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) cryptographic protocol. You must set up a keystore (.jks format) that contains the private key and certificate.

  • The keystore must have the default option value as

    “-keyalg RSA -keysize 2048”

  • A public (verify-jwk.json) and private key (sign-jwk.json) for setting up secure OAUTH. As an example, this document explains how to generate a public and private key.