4 Itinerary Setup

The Itinerary Setup is function that enables you to plan the daily activities available for each voyage by Location, Events, Packages or through an Agent. The information entered here are shown as an information board in the Management, Itinerary Overview, and they are entered through Administration, Itinerary Setup.

Adding an Activity

Figure 4-1 Activities Setup

This figure shows the setup window for Activities.

Table 4-1 Field Description of Activities Setup

Field Name Description


The type of activity and title


The language offered in this activity


Title of the activity


Brief description of the activity

Start DateTime

Start date and time of the activity

Duration Time

Duration of the activity

Deadline DateTime

Booking deadline date/time

Setup Time

Setup time require in minutes

Dates Accuracy

Activity dates accuracy (1-All Accurate, 2-All Approximate, 3-Starting Approx., 4-Duration Approx.)

Clean-up Time

Clean up time in minutes


Location of the activity


Comments for the activity

Waiting List

Waiting List is allowed/disallowed

Booking Status

Activity booking status (Enable/Disable)

Booking Options

Activity booking options — Booking is required or not.

Min/Max Available

Minimum or Maximum number of bookings allowed


Agent/Vendor Name

Adult Cost Price

Agent/Vendor Cost Price

Child Cost Price

Agent/Vendor Cost Price


Agent/Vendor Posting Department

  1. From the Itinerary Setup menu, select Activities.
  2. One the left pane, right-click on the selected Cruise Day.
  3. Select Add Activity from option menu.
  4. In the Setup Activity section, update the all the activities details.
  5. Click the More Details button to insert the Meeting Date/Time, clothing requirements and other information and click OK to return to previous screen.
  6. In the Reservation section, select the appropriate booking options from the drop-down list.
  7. Enter the pricing and select the Agent/Vendor providing the service.
  8. Click OK to save.

Copying an Activity Setup

An existing activity can be copied into the future cruise by day or by activity instead of re-creating every single activity.
  1. From the Activities setup window, right-click on the Cruise Day and select Copy Day/Activity.
  2. In the Duplicate whole day window, enter the date to copy to, then click Add.
  3. Click OK to copy the activities.


    To copy a single activity, select an Activity instead of by Cruise Day.

Add Package Price

The Add Package/Price is an additional information field for the activity and they are not meant for posting.

Adding Team/Time Frame

You can add the team member required to handle the activities by indicating the time and number of member required.
  1. In the Activities Setup window, right-click on the activities details and select Add Team/Time Frame.
  2. In the Team/Time Frame section, enter the number of team member and select the time to reserve from and duration.
  3. Click OK to save.

Removing an Activity

Activities that are no longer required or has been added as duplicate can be easily removed by right-clicking on the activity and select Remove Activity. If the activity has a Team/Time Frame or Packages/Price information, you must remove these first before removing the activity.