1 Parameters

The parameters below controls the behavior of the Shore Excursion program. They are editable under Setup, Parameter. Consult Oracle Customer Support for more details if you are unsure of the settings.

Table 1-1 Parameters

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Adult Min Age check for Kiosk


Minimum age of a passenger required to be able to use Kiosk or Business Center.

Alert Email address for Web Service booking


Separate each email address by a semicolon “;”.

Allow FCKiosk Bookings


1 - Enable / 0 - Disable Kiosk Booking capability.

Allow Multiple Bookings


0 – Allow Kiosk to book only one ticket per Account-Tour.

1 – Enable Multiple Bookings for each Account-Tour.

Allow to use customized Account Information header


0 – Do not allow. Use the system default Account Information header.

1 – Allow customizing the Account Information header in Bookings and Account Handling window using custom SQL Query in PAR_COMMENT field.

Auto Populate Cancellation Fees info


1 – Enable auto-populating Cancellation Fees info when creating new Tour Templates or Bookable Tours.

Booking Future Cruise Tours handled as Unposted


0 – Future Cruise Tours bookings posted directly into accounts and accounted as Current Cruise revenue.

1 – Future Cruise Tours Bookings in Transit Accounts will appear in Unposted Bookings window under Future Cruise Bookings.

CancelFees Default Dept


Debit Department to be used when posting Cancellation Fees when voiding an excursion if they are not specified in Bookable Tours Setup.

Cancellation Fees Default Value


Default Value or Percentage (if % sign exists) for Cancellation Fees.

If the Use Cancellation Fees parameter is enabled and the Bookable Tour setup of a tour does not have a cancellation default value set, the value specified in the parameter is used when canceling this tour. If a different cancellation fee value is specified in the Bookable Tours setup, the value specified there will be used instead.

Child Max Age check for Excursions


Maximum age of an Account required to be able to book Child tickets in Excursions module.

Control ITV Parameter in FCUI


1 – Control the ITV Parameter in FCUI.

Current Cruise Unposted Bookings Notification


0 – Disable Current Cruise Unposted Bookings Notification Message.

1 – Enable Current Cruise Unposted Bookings Notification Message when starting Shore Excursions module (2 days before End Of Cruise).

Default Account Search


Default searched for in Cabin/Account Window by:

1 – Payer / 0 – Buyer

Default Language


Default language for excursions using two-letter ISO Code.

Default Posting Department for Amount Refunds


Default Credit or Debit Posting Department to use when posting Amount Refunds after selecting to apply Discount Amount option.

Default Posting Department for FCUI


FCUI Default Posting Department used when creating new Tour Template or Bookable Tour.

Default Posting Department for Fees


Default Posting Department to be used when posting pre-booked (non- prepaid) bookings that include additional fees.

Default Posting Department for KIOSK


Kiosk Default Posting Department to use when creating new Tour Template or Bookable Tour.

Default Posting Department for PREPAID


Prepaid Default Posting Department to be used when creating new Tour Template or Bookable Tour.

Default Ticket Report


Default Ticket Report for Shore Excursion.

Default setting for Prepaid/Routed Booking option


0 – Prepaid Booking option set as default in regular Bookings window.

1 – Routed Booking option set as default in regular Bookings window.

Default value for Sales Tax


Default Value or Percentage (if % sign exists) for Sales Tax.

Disable FCUI/Kiosk Booking options by default


0 – Enable FCUI/Kiosk Booking options by default.

1 – Disable FCUI/Kiosk Booking options by default for all newly created Bookable Tours from within Excursions module and all newly imported Bookable Tours imported from RESOnline.

Disable Tours display if Max count is 0


0 – Enable Tours to display in Booking window if Max count is 0.

1 – Disable

Discounts affect Taxes


Discounts Calculation Method to use:

0 – Discounts don't affect Taxes.

1 – Discounts affect Taxes.

Display Booking Origin column


0 – Do not Display Booking Origin column (SHOREX - IMPORT - KIOSK - FCUI) in Batch Ticket Printing and Exporting window.

1 – Display Booking Origin column in Batch Ticket Printing and Exporting window.

2 – Display Booking Origin column in Batch Ticket Printing and Exporting window.

Display Time Fields in 24Hour format


0 – Display time fields in 12Hour AM/PM format.

1 – Display time fields in 24Hour format.

Display Time elements on all grids


0 – Do not Display Tour Time elements on grids (Start / End / Meeting Time)

Display Tour Name instead of Tour Code


0 – Display Tour Code in bookings window.

1 – Enable displaying of Tour Name in bookings window.

Display Tours in Green if Minimum not reached


0 – Default setting shows tour labels in blue regardless of minimum attendees reached.

1 – Displays Tour labels in Booking window as green when minimum attendees have not been reached.

Enable Bookable Tour assignment to specific Cruise


1 – Assigning a Bookable Tour to a specific Cruise is mandatory and this System Cruise assignment is used in Unposted Bookings window when searching for Tour Bookings.

Enable Embarkation Dates search


1 – Enable Embarkation Dates search checkbox in Tour Dates Period tab in Batch Printing And Exporting window.

Enable Group Tour Message


0 – Disable pop up message on group tour linking message

1 – Enable

Enable Handicapped Warning


0 – Disable Handicapped Warning in Bookings window.

1 – Enable Handicapped Warning.

Enable Language info for Kiosk


Allow Guests to enter Language information at Kiosk Terminal.

Enable Multiple Bookings


0 – Disable Multiple Bookings.

1 – Enable Multiple Bookings functionality in Bookings window.

Enable NOPRINT for Shorex Voids


1 – Enable Shorex Voids to "NO PRINT" on accounts in Management module automatically.

0 – Disable "NO PRINT" for Shorex voids on accounts in Management module.

Enable Onboard Account window


1 – Enable / 0 – Disable the access to the onboard Account details window in Kiosk.

Enable OverWeight Bookings


1 – Enable / 0 – Disable use of Overweight Bookings that require two seats.

2 – Enable but checkbox is by default deselected when Bookings window opens.

Enable Shoreside Refunds for Prepaids


1 – Enable Refunds Shoreside (on System Account) when applying Discounts or Voids to Prepaid Bookings.

0 – Disable Refunds Shoreside.

Enable Tour Dates search


1 – Enable Tour Dates search checkbox in Tour Dates Period tab in Batch Printing and Exporting window.

Enable Tours Daily Limit check


1 – Enable Bookable Tours per Date limit check in Excursions Setup.

0 – Disable.

Enable Tours Overbooking


0 – Disable Tours Overbooking.

1 – Enable Tours Overbooking.

Enable Voiding Bookings from previous Cruises


1 – Enable Voiding Bookings that belong to previous Cruises or have been closed.

0 – Disable.

Enable Voiding Bookings on Checked-Out Accounts


1 – Enable Voiding Bookings on Checked-Out Accounts with Voided Transaction posted into Internal Error System Account.

Exc Link for all Excursions


0 – Perform linking check only for Packaged Excursions.

1 – Perform linking check for all Excursions.

Exporting Tickets


1 – Exporting Tickets is in progress - Does not allow any other process to start.

Future Tour bookings Warning


1 – Provide warning message to prevent future Tour bookings for current cruise guests.

Include Sales Tax in Price


1 – Include / 0 – Exclude Sales Tax from Excursions Price.

Keep same Tours Page when selecting new Account


0 – Return back to first Tours Page after selecting a new Account.

1 – Stay on same Tours Page after selecting a new Account,

Move Expected Accounts Waitlisted Bookings to EPO


0 – Keep Expected Accounts Waitlisted Bookings into EPW.

1 – Enable moving Expected Accounts Waitlisted Bookings from EPW to EPO when trying to post Waitlisted Bookings for Expected Accounts in Handling List window.

Notify for Overlapping Tours


0 – Disable.

1 – Enable Overlapping Tours checking and notification during Booking process,

Notify when Booking Future Cruise Tour as Unposted


1 – Enable Notification Message when Booking Future Cruise Tours to be handled as Unposted is enabled.

Onboard Refund for Prepaids


0 – Shoreside refunding when voiding Prepaid Bookings.

1 – Onboard

OverWeight Price Increase


Default Over Weight Bookings Net Price increase by percentage (%) value.

OverWeight Weight Limit


Weight above this value during Booking is considered as Over Weight Booking.

Posting Status Box Default Selection


0 – All (Posted and Unposted) Bookings, 1-Posted Bookings, 2-Unposted Bookings

PrePaid CancelFee Default Dept


Debit Department to be used when posting Cancellation Fees when voiding PrePaid Bookings in Excursions

PrePaid Voids Default Dept


Debit Department to be used when posting Voids when voiding PrePaid Bookings in Excursions

Prepaid Fees Posting Department


Prepaid Fees Default Posting Department to be used when posting imported Prepaid Bookings that include additional Fees

Prepaid Fees Void Department


Prepaid Fees Default Voiding Department to be used when Voiding imported Prepaid Bookings that include additional Fees.

Prepaid Loyalty Discounts Posting Department


Prepaid Discounts Default Posting Department to be used when refunding due to Loyalty Package

Prepaid Marketing Discounts Posting Department


Prepaid Discounts Default Posting Department to be used when refunding due to Marketing Discounts

Prepaid Marketing Discounts System Account


Default System Account to be used when posting Prepaid Marketing Discounts

Prepaid Status when Discounting Prepaid Bookings


Y – Keep Prepaid Status when Discounting Prepaid Bookings,

N – Remove Prepaid Status

Prepaids Refund Confirmation


1 – Require Confirmation when Refunding Prepaids during voiding

Previous Cruise Tours Warning


1 – Provide warning message to prevent Previous Cruise(s) Tour bookings for Current Cruise guests

Print + Post Summary


0 – Do not print summary after printing tickets in “Print+Post”,

1 – Print

Print Excursions Summary


0 – Do not print summary after printing tickets in “Print+Post”

1 – Print

Print Excursions Tickets


0 – Do not print tickets

1 – Print

Print Void Summary


0 – Do not print summary after voiding tickets

1 – Print

Print Voided Tickets


0 – Do not print tickets when voiding;

1 – Print also voided tickets (please note that you must also change selection formula for tickets in this case)

Print Waitlist Receipt when moving to real Booking


0 – Do not Print Receipt when moving somebody from the waitlist to a real booking on top of the normal ticket,

1 – Print

Require Waitlist Confirmation


0 – No confirmation when adding Booking into Waitlist

1 – Display confirmation with Waitlist No.

Show Disabled Accounts in Bookings windows


1 – Enable showing Accounts with Postings Disabled status in Bookings windows.

Show Voided Transactions


1 - Show / Hide Voided Transactions in Cabin/Account window only

Signature Display Body Text Font


Value must be bigger than 12 - 200

Ticket Summaries check buttons default selection


0 – Nothing is selected,

1 – Both options are selected (Payer and Buyer),

2 – Payer option is selected,

3 - Buyer option is selected

Unposted Bookings Posting


When Unposted Bookings posting is in progress, the system writes the Workstation Name in order not to allow any other process to start

Use Adult/Child Max Counts


0 – Do not use Adult/Child Max counts separation ,

1 – use Adult/Child Max counts separation

Use Bookable Tours Languages linking


Use Bookable Tours Languages linking when Booking and Language module is enabled, to limit the available Language selection only with the Languages defined in Bookable Tours Setup

Use Cancellation Fees


1 – Enable / 0 – Disable use of Cancellation Fees when voiding Bookings in Excursions

Use E-Invoices Exporting and Printing


1 – Enable the overall functionality for storing and printing E-Invoices

Use E-Invoices Printing option


1 – Enable the option to also physically print E-Invoices on paper

Use Excursions Waitlists


1 – Enable / 0 – Disable use of Excursions Waitlists

Use Free Text Port Entry


0 – Use Predefine Port Selection,

1 – Use Free Text Port Entry

Use Free Text Tour Comments/Recommended Clothes


0 – Use Predefine Tour Comments/Recommended Clothes text for different Languages

1 – Use Free Text Tour Comments/Recommended Clothes

Use Language Module


0 – Deactivate it

1 – Activate Excursions Language Module,