1 Parameters

This section describes the available Parameters for Service Charge module.

Table 1-1 PAR_Group Hotel Bar Svc Chg

PAR Name Value Description

BSC Special Positions

<Operational Position>

Specify the positions that needs to be included for daily minimum guarantee deduction. Value is linked to OPO_ID.

BSC Special Positions - Pool 1 to Deduct From


Specify the first Pool ID and Percentage to deduct daily guaranteed for Beverage Management.

For example: Value is 89.00. This means 89% for the Special Positions is deducted from the Service Charge Pool.

BSC Special Positions - Pool 2 to Deduct From


Specify the second Pool ID and Percentage to deduct daily guaranteed for Beverage Management.

For example: Value is 11.00. This means 11% for the Special Positions is deducted from the Service Charge Pool

Mid Cruise Breakage


Mid Cruise Breakage in percentage, for example 2.0.

Pool to Deduct Premiums

<Pool Name>

Name of the Service Charge Pool to deduct the premiums. This is normally use for Hotel Service Charge Pool.

Service Charge Eligible End Date


Number of days with reference to crew repatriation date.

0 - if the service charge entitlement is up to and includes the repatriation date;

-1 - if entitlement is until the day before the repatriation date. For example: Update crew expected debarkation date = 11/11/2011

  • If parameter value = 0, Eligible End Date = 11/11/2011

  • If parameter value = -1, Eligible End Date = 10/11/2011

  • If parameter value = 2, Eligible End Date = 13/11/2011

Table 1-2 PAR_Group Promo

PAR Name Value Description

MICROS Server Name


MICROS Database Service Name

MICROS Server Type


0 - Oracle ,

1 - Microsoft SQL Server

MICROS User Name


MICROS User Name

Table 1-3 PAR_Group General

PAR Name Value Description

Use Payroll

0, 1

0 - Service Charge module not dependent on Payroll module. This parameter enables the Paid/Not Paid button in Service Charge module.

1 - Service Charge module is dependent on Payroll module.