2 Configuring Time Attendance

Before you can use this program, you must configure the codes in Message Broadcast, Roster Task Setup, Location, Terminal, Off Day Reasons, and International Labor Organization (ILO) Non-Compliant Reasons using the below steps.

Figure 2-1 Configuration Menu

This figure shows the T&A Configuration menu where most of the required codes are set up.

Accessing the Configuration Menu

  1. Log in to the T&A module.

  2. At the Home tab, select Configuration from the ribbon bar.

  3. The type of setup available to T&A module is listed on the Configuration window.

  4. Go to Edit tab and select to code to set up.

Roster Task Setup

The program is software coded with five roster task, listed below. You cannot delete these tasks.
  • OD: On Duty

  • ODS: On Shore side Duties

  • SD: Safety Drill

  • SL: Sick/Injured

  • TR: Training

To set up the task,
  1. Select Roster Task Setup from the Configuration window.

  2. Select Add to open the Add Roster Task window.

  3. Insert the Code, Name, Description, and select the Color code from the drop-down list.

  4. Select the applicable checkboxes and click Save.

Table 2-1 Field Definition of Roster Task

Field name Description

Color Code

Representation of task in Schedule or Monthly Overview window.

Include into Working Hours

Takes into account the over time (OT) work hours and hours work (ILO) when calculating the total work hours.


Defines the work hour as premium paid hours. The hourly premium work rate is set up in the Payroll module, Maintenance, Interfaced Paycodes. Premium roster task is accountable in Service Charge calculation and it deducts from total pools before distributing the pool to all entitled crews.

Allow Offboard

The crew assigned to this roster task is allowed to go ashore. Otherwise, they are flag as Shore Denied.

Display on Terminal

The task is displayed in T&A Terminal and available for crew scheduling.


By default, the newly added task is active.

Message Broadcast

  1. At Configuration window, select Message Broadcast Setup.

  2. Select Add from Edit tab to open a new broadcast setup window.

  3. Insert the Preset Message Code, Subject and Content in the respective field.

  4. Click Save.

  5. To edit the code, double-click the preset code or click Edit from the ribbon bar, and click Save.

Location Setup

Figure 2-2 Location Setup

This figure shows the T&A Location Setup window.

The Location Setup window populates the location configured in Administration, Operational Division Setup, and adding/editing is not permissible. However, this function permits you to assign an owner(s) to the specific location or add a sub-location.

The Team Configuration section allow you to assign a crew to a different team.
  1. From the Configuration window, select the Location Setup.

  2. Select the location to edit by double-clicking or click Edit at the ribbon bar.

  3. At the Location Setup window, select the owner(s) by selecting the respective checkboxes. Use the Search Text field to search for the specific owner or the mouse to scroll through the list.

  4. At the Sub Locations section, click Add.

  5. Enter the Sub Location code, Name and Description.

  6. Select the Deck checkbox and select the Deck Code, if any.

  7. Select the Owners and click Save to save the sub-location.

  8. Click Save to save and close the Location Setup window.


  1. At the Configuration window, select the Terminal Setup.

  2. Select Add from Edit tab to open an Add Terminal window.

  3. Insert the Code, Name, Description, PC Name and select the Location checkbox to select the Location from the drop-down list.

  4. Click Save to save the window.

Off Day Reasons

The Off Day reason is used by crew or manager to approve the zero worked hours, and these are pre-screened by the crew at the terminal.

  1. At the Configuration window, select the Off Day Reasons.

  2. Select Add from Edit tab to open an Off Day Reasons window.

  3. Enter the Reason Code, Description and Long Description, and then click Save.


The T&A module has a set of parameters that control the functions within the program. Enabling or setting these parameters changes the behavior of the module. Proceed with caution. See topic Parameters for detail description of each parameters.

To edit the parameter, double-click the Parameter name and enter the required value in the Value field.

ILO Non-Compliant Reasons

The ILO Non-Compliant Reasons is used when approving the violated crew schedules. The setup is the same as Off Day Reasons.

Export & Import Templates

The Export and Import Templates function allow the ship operator to copy the Templates, Parameters, User Security Settings, and Multiple Templates from one ship to another and only supports XML file format. An import of the any templates will override the pre-existing database templates. Proceed with caution.