4 Post-Installation Configuration

This section explains the additional security configuration steps to be completed after the Shipboard Property Management System has been installed.

Operating System

Turn On Data Execution Prevention (DEP)

Turn on DEP if required. See the Microsoft product documentation library for instructions.

Turning off Auto Play

Turn off Autoplay if required. See the Microsoft product documentation library at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/ for instructions.

Turning Off Remote Assistance

Turn off Remote Assistance if required. See the Microsoft product documentation library at https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/ for instructions.

Application Software Patches

If a patch is available, download and apply the latest Shipboard Property Management System patches from My Oracle Support. Follow the deployment instructions included in the patch.

Software Certificates

If a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is required, it must be configured either on the load balancer or in the IIS web server for communication to web services. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) usage on the Shipboard Property Management System Security Server is mandatory.

The Self-signed certificate should be used only if the customer fails to provide a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA). See the Oracle Hospitality Cruise Shipboard Property Management System Installation Guide for information about the installation of secure certificates.

Password Overview

Configuration of the Shipboard Property Management System product passwords is performed in the Shipboard Property Management System User Security module. Administrators should adopt a strong password policy after the initial installation of the application and review the policy periodically. Password verification functions are used to ensure that the user password meets the minimum requirements of complexity. Check and ensure the PASSWORD_VERIFY_FUNCTION parameter for the user profile created in the Database is not NULL.

Maintaining Strong Passwords

Ensure that passwords adhere to the following strength requirements:
  • The password must be at least 8 characters long.

  • The password must contain letters and numbers.

  • Must not choose a password equal to the last 3 passwords used.

Change Default Password

The Shipboard Property Management System is installed with a default administrative user and password. You must change the default administrative user password in the Shipboard Property Management System, following the above guidelines, after logging in for the first time.

Password Lifetime

The Shipboard Property Management System is installed with a default administrative user and password. You must change the default administrative user password in the Shipboard Property Management System, following the above guidelines, after logging in for the first time.

Configure User Accounts and Privileges

When setting up users for the Shipboard Property Management System application, ensure that they are assigned the minimum privilege level required to perform their job function. Set INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME in the profiles assigned to users to automatically lock accounts that have not logged in to the database instance in a specified number of days. It is also recommended to audit infrequently used accounts for unauthorized activities.

Concurrent Sessions and Constraints

The database user by default has unlimited concurrent connections but this may result in memory resource exhaustion or Denial-of-Service attacks. It is advised to set the SESSIONS_PER_USER for this. We recommend that you check for disabled constraints, and determine where applicable if they need to be disabled, deleted, or enabled as these are a potential cause for concern.

Encryption Keys

The Data Encryption Key (DEK) is used to encrypt sensitive information, and it is stored securely in the database for retrieval in the encrypted form using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Key Encryption Key (KEK) as Passphrase/key.