2 User Interface

The application purges data older than the days indicated in each of the purge groups. You should develop an adequate backup method that lets you restore and access old data that you already purged, when required. You cannot recover the data once it is purged.

The ADPI application provides three tabs:

Messages: The tab provides an overview of all the messages coming from and being sent to SPMS, including the data processing messages.

Debug: The tab enables detail view of selected messages use for debugging purposes. Each message is logged into a file named."ADPILog_DDMMYYY.txt" and saved in the same folder as the application.

Settings: The tab provides you the options to define the data to keep or purge.

Apply: During the setup, the system prompts for your log-in name and password each time you click the Apply button and save the settings to the OHCSettings.par file.


The application only accepts changes made by users from the Administrative group.

Process Now: Click to initiate the data purge based on the settings defined. The following warning appears:


Purged Data is not recoverable.

A blinking ‘green light’ indicates that the ADPI is operational and not processing. A blinking ‘yellow light’ indicates the interface is currently processing commands.