5 Exchange Overview Function

The Exchange Rate History Overview provide a historical view of past exchanges, voided transactions and report generation.

Transaction Search

You can extract the historical data using the following:

  • System Date: SPMS System Date.

  • General Date: Current PC Date.

  • User: Selected user who posted.

  • From Date: Date Period Selection.

  • Module: Module transaction posted.

You can sort the search results by clicking the column header or using one of these options:

  • Sort Ascending / Descending

  • Sort Descending

  • Group By This: Group selected columns. If more than one column is selected, it further groups the next column header and displays them in a tree view.

  • Group By Box: Hides the tree view panes above the column header.

    Column Chooser: Permit you to select additional columns such as Posting ID and Origin.

  • Best Fit: Auto fit the column width.

  • Filter Editor: Customizes selection by field name, date selection, or user ID by using controls such as Equals to, Is Greater Than, and others. Multiple selections are possible with the Filter Editor.

    Figure 5-1 Filter Builder

    This figure shows the Filter Builder

Voiding a Transactions

The reverse a posted transaction.

Figure 5-2 Voided Transaction

This figure shows the Voided Transaction
  1. In the Exchange Transaction Overview screen, select the period to display using either System Date or General Date, User or Module.
  2. Click Search on the ribbon bar.
  3. Select the transaction to void and then click Void at the ribbon bar.
  4. Select the void reason from the drop-down list when prompted.
  5. Click OK to confirm. This post a negative and reverses the transaction from the guest account, if it is posted to an onboard account.