4 Appendices

The following appendices will assist you in identifying the required system files to use with the latest Shipboard Property Management System (SPMS) version.

Appendix A. User Security Group

This section describes the User Security Groups available to the Gift Handling module. They are accessible in OHC Launcher, Utilities, Security.

Table 4-1 User Security Group

User Group No. Security Reference No. Description

Modules\Administration\Menu\Administration\Gift Card Setup


Gift Card Eligibility Setup


Gift Card Template Setup



Gift Card De-Activation Reason



Gift Card Re-Activation Reason



Gift Card Cancellation Reason



Gift Card Eligibility Group Setup



Gift Card Template Group Setup

Modules\Data Import\Data Import


Prepaid Gift Card



Gift Card Quick Collect


Gift Card Quick Refund

Management\Menu\Cashier\Gift Card


Gift Card Handling



Create New Gift Card



Edit Gift Card



Activate Gift Card



De-Activate Gift Card



Re-Activate Gift Card



Cancel Gift Card



Print Gift Card



Print Gift Card Invoice



Add Posting



Void Posting



Criteria Discount



Item Discount



No Print



Close Posting



Move and Route



Show/Hide No Print



Show Revenue Analyzer



Show Invoice



Show Balance ( Balance in Gift Card Info tab is auto hide )



Enable Special Eligible Department



Refund Gift Card



Top Up Gift Card

Appendix B. SPMS Parameters

This section describes the Parameters available to the Management module. They are accessible in Administration module, System Setup, Parameter.

Table 4-2 PAR Group General

PAR Name PAR Value Description

Gift Card Expiration Process


0– During Change System Date

Gift card expires after the system date. Example: Gift Card Expiry Date on 19/08/2021. Gift card expires when system date switches to 20/09/2021.

1- During Change System Cruise

Gift card expires after system cruise has change. Example: Gift Card Expiry Date on 19/08/2021. Gift Card expires when system cruise change to 19/08/2021.

Expiry Date for prepaid un-activate card


Number of days after guest disembarks.

Action For Open Balance Gift Card during check-out

0, 1, 2

Option to not to allow guest check out if there is a Gift Card with an open balance linked to the guest.

Parameter value = 2

  • If Gift Card has already expired and with negative balance, check out guest is allowed.

  • If gift card is still active and with balance, check out guest is not allowed.

Parameter value = 1

  • If Gift Card is already expired and with negative balance, check-out is allowed and no message prompt.

  • If gift card is still active and with balance, prompt message to decide allow or disallow check-out.

Parameter = 0

  • always allow check-out even Gift Card has open balance


Auto Post to Guest Acc when insufficient GC Bal


Gift Card balance = 0, System prompts, "The Gift Card balance is zero".

If the posting amount > Gift Card balance, system posts the balance amount to guest account.

When voiding, system voids the transaction and revert amount to the same transaction payer.

If check credit limit PAR ON, by posting the insufficient Gift Card balance to guest account, system prompts credit limit exceeded.

Appendix C. Sample Gift Card Import File Layout

This section describes the file layout of Gift Card data import to be imported to the OHC Data Import or OHC DGS ResOnline module.

GC200 1046454 780 900 1046454 9941000252764906

GC200 1046405 780 900 1046405 9941000251764909

Appendix D. Sample Gift Card DGS RESONLINE File Layout

Below is the sample XML file format for Gift Card Import through the OHC DGS RESONLINE module.
























<RESERVATION_ACATEGORY xml:space="preserve">




















<RESERVATION_REFERENCE xml:space="preserve">




<RESERVATION_TIER_LEVEL xml:space="preserve">
















<ACCOUNT_MNAME xml:space="preserve">







<ACCOUNT_BIRTHPLACE xml:space="preserve">



















<ACCOUNT_SUFFIX xml:space="preserve"></ACCOUNT_SUFFIX>
























Appendix E. Gift Card Refund Scenarios

  • Scenario 1: no posting and no top up. Full refund the selling price.

    Selling price = 780

    Face value = 900

    Refundable amount = 780

  • Scenario 2: no posting and have top up. Full refund for both Gift Card and top up selling price.

    Selling price = 780

    Face value = 900

    Top up selling price = 140

    Top up face value = 200

    Refundable amount = 920

  • Scenario 3: with posting and no top up

    Selling price = 780

    Face value = 900

    Posting amount = 133

    Refundable amount = 667 [(900–113)-(900–780)]

  • Scenario 4: with posting and top up. Refund from the first Gift Card, if still have balance from the first Gift Card, the next top up selling price will fully refund.

    Selling price = 780

    Face value = 900

    Top up selling price = 140 x 2 = 280

    Top up face value = 200 x 2 = 400

    Posting amount = 121 + 123 + 125 = 369

    Refundable amount = 691

    1st card refund = (900 – 369) – (900 – 780) = 411

    2nd refund from top up = 280

  • Scenario 5: with posting more than original purchase amount and with top up. Refund for first Gift Card purchase offset. The rest of top up will get full refund.

    Selling price = 780

    Face value = 900

    Top up selling price = 140 x 2 = 280

    Top up face value = 200 x 2 = 400

    Posting amount = 800

    Refundable amount = 280

    1st refund from card: (900 – 800) – (900 – 780) = -20 No refund

    2nd refund from top up: 280

  • Scenario 6: with posting more than original purchase amount and top up amount. Nothing to refund from first Gift Card purchase, refund from the first top up + fully refund on 2nd top up.

    Selling price = 780

    Face value = 900

    Top up selling price = 140 x 2 = 280

    Top up face value = 200 x 2 = 400

    Posting amount = 800 + 170

    Refundable amount = 210

    1st refund from card: (900 – 900) fully utilized. The remain 70 will refund from 1st top up

    2nd refund from 1st top up: (200 – 70) – (200 – 140) = 70

    3rd refund from 2nd top up: 140

  • Scenario 7: nothing refund due to posting exceeded refundable amount

    Selling price = 780

    Face value = 900

    Top up selling price = 140 x 2 = 280

    Top up face value = 200 x 2 = 400

    Posting amount = 800 + 170 + 280 = 1250

    Refundable amount = 0

    1st refund from card: (900 – 900) fully utilized. The remain 350 will refund from 1st top up

    2nd refund from 1st top up: (200 – 200) fully utilized. The remain 150 will refund from 2nd top up

    3rd refund from 2nd top up: (200 – 150) – (200 – 140) = -10 No refund

  • Scenario 8: Void Top Up and get refund.

    Selling price = 780

    Face value = 900

    Top up selling price = 140 x 2 = 280

    Top up face value = 200

    Posting amount = 750

    Refundable amount = 140

    Refundable amount = 0 after void top up

  • Scenario 9: Refund where Gift Card Balance was fully utilize.

    Gift Card Refundable Amount show ‘Not defined’. Refund button disabled.

  • Scenario 10: Refund where Gift Card is prepaid and un-activated.

    Gift Card Refundable Amount show ‘Not defined’. Refund button.

Appendix F. Gift Card Posting in Management Module

Scenario 1: Posting when credit limit is exceeded.

System does not allow posting when the Gift Card account has exceeded the credit limit.

Result: System does not allow posting when Gift Card account has exceeded the credit limit.

Scenario 2: Move posting to Gift Card has exceeded credit limit.

System does not allow Move Posting to Gift Card when the credit limit exceeded.

Result: Message prompt shows Gift Card’s balance is not sufficient.

Scenario 3: Move Posting to Inactive, Expired & Cancelled Gift Card.

System does not allow Move & Route to Expired, Cancelled & Inactive Gift Card.

Result: Message prompt upon swiping expired, inactive & cancelled Gift Cards in Search box when attempting to Move & Route sales transaction.

Scenario 4: Move posting to non-eligible department.

System does not allow moving Gift Card posting to non-eligible department.

Result: Message prompt Move & Route is not allow to post in non-eligible department.

Appendix G. Gift Card Posting in Casino Module

Scenario 1: Add posting to Gift Card is over limit.

The program first checks the credit limit department (if defined in Financial Department setup) followed by Gift Card balance.

Result: Message prompts when posting if Gift Card balance is less than zero.

Scenario 2: Add Gift Card posting to non-eligible department.

System does not allow adding a Gift Card posting to non-eligible department.

Result: Message prompt shows Gift Card is not eligible for that department.

Scenario 3: Add posting to Expired, Inactive & Cancelled Gift Card.

System does not allow add posting to Inactive Gift Card. Expired & cancelled Gift Card are not able to search upon swipe Gift Card in Search box.

Result: Message prompt shows Gift Card not activated.

Appendix H. Gift Card Posting in Shore Excursion Module

Scenario 1: Post Gift Card posting to non-eligible department.

System does not allow adding Gift Card posting to non-eligible department.

Result: Message prompt shows Gift Card is not eligible in shore excursion department and any attempted posting will be cancel.

Scenario 2: Add posting to Gift Card if exceeded credit limit.

System does not allow adding posting to Gift Card if exceeded credit limit.

Result: Message prompt shows Gift Card has exceeded its credit limit.

Scenario 3: Add posting to Expired, Inactive & Cancelled Gift Card.

System does not allow add posting to Inactive, Expired & Cancelled Gift Card upon swipe Gift Card in Search box.

Result: Message prompt upon swipe expired, cancelled or inactive Gift Card in Booking or Quick Booking window > Search box.

Appendix I. Gift Card Posting in Universal Interface

Scenario 1: Add posting to Gift Card that exceeded credit limit.

System does not allow adding posting to Gift Card that has exceeded its credit limit.

Result: Message prompt indicates that Gift Card has exceeded its credit limit.

Scenario 2: Post Gift Card posting to non-eligible department.

System does not allow add Gift Card posting to non-eligible department.

Result: Message prompts indicates that Gift Card is not eligible to the department.

Scenario 3: Post Gift Card posting to De-Activated Gift Card.

System does not allow adding Gift Card posting to de-activate Gift Card.

Result: Message prompt indicates that Gift Card is disabled.

Scenario 4: Post Gift Card posting to Expired Gift Card.

System does not allow adding Gift Card posting to Expired Gift Card.

Result: Message prompt indicates that Gift Card is expired on a given date ‘dd/mm/yyyy’.

Scenario 5: Post Gift Card posting to Inactive Gift Card.

System does not allow adding Gift Card posting to Expired Gift Card.

Result: Message prompt indicates that Gift Card is not activated.

Scenario 6: Post Gift Card posting to Cancelled Gift Card.

System does not allow add Gift Card posting to a Cancelled Gift Card.

Result: Message prompt indicates that Gift Card is cancelled.

Appendix J. Setup Gift Card Top up Function in MICROS

This section shows the Gift Card Top Up option in MICROS Server is using Key Type = 21-Sim 1 Inquiry

Figure 4-1 MICROS Key Type Sim INQ

This figure shows the MICROS Key Type Sim INQ