1 Features and Updates

The content below is a list of features and updates for the Oracle Hospitality Cruise Shipboard Property Management System (SPMS) 20.2 release.


The following controls have been upgraded to meet with compliance standards.
  • Developer Express .NET WIN-FORMS component from 19.2 to 20.2.

  • .NET framework from 4.7.2 to 4.8.

  • Spring Boot from 2.4.2 to 2.4.3 with latest Java framework.


With the new Developer Express 20.2, some skin color and ribbon styles have changed. New features such as the Ribbon Options button (located at the top right corner of the Ribbon Form, next to the Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons) are now visible and, by default, enabled for the property. Therefore, there is a slight difference in the user interface compared with the previous release. However, the functionalities remain unchanged.


Enhanced SPMS symmetric encryption now supports the stronger AES-GCM mode by default. However, it will not immediately enforce the migration of data upon upgrade. This will only take place when the user updates the encryption key in OHC Tools, Encryption Manager.

Property Management System

The Property Management System is a new platform offering the latest web and mobile-based technology and a modern user experience. It is built with a highly secure RESTful API model that is open for integration and innovation. The Check-In application runs on Oracle Micros Tablet 721 and other commercially-available tablets, and is compatible with any mobile platform.

The following new features are provided in this version of the next generation SPMS.


The Dashboard feature provides a summary view of the key information on Check-In and the Gateway Security status.

Guest Check-In

The new additions to the Check-In module are:

  • Integration of the Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) services that enable the handling of Credit Card Registration, Initial Authorization and Reversal Authorization (deactivate credit card).

  • Integration of Passport scanning using the device camera.

  • Integration of RFID reading of the Board Card for quick information retrieval using the Oracle Micros tablet 721 device.


The integration of the Questionnaire to the Check-In application enables the crew members to capture additional guest data electronically, such as current or past health conditions, immigration, or security related matters. Apart from complying with immigration and security requirements, containment of diseases, and minimizing any potential risk, understanding the health condition of the guest is a priority for the cruise operators. This functionality allows them to take further action in providing essential services.

This function gives the crew the flexibility to create the questionnaires for use in the Mobile Check-In application. Not only does it have the capability to alert you on questions that require further attention, you can easily switch the questionnaire to the guest preferred language, if configured in the languages supported by the ship.

Gateway Security

This new feature is not only beneficial for cruise ships that are continuing to grow and are looking for new ways to quicken the passengers and crew members’ embarkation and disembarkation processes at port, it also enhances security control and streamlines the movements at the gangway, allowing the crew members to help passengers onto and off of the tender boat for ships that are not docking in port. The function is further enhanced to enable users to:

  • Configure the different Gate Type, such as Gangway or Tender Boat.

  • View a passenger’s information in the More Details page.

  • View and access travel companion information through the Travel With function, including checking in the companion.

  • Handle returnable, confiscated items to a guest going ashore, and collection of items upon returning to the ship.

  • Read RFID cards by tapping the Board Card on the Oracle Micros tablet 721 device.


Enhanced the Asynchronous Data Processing Interface (ADPI) purging process to enable the system to purge all profile records with the No Show status at the end of the cruise day.


Updated the Electronic Notice of Arrival/Departure (ENOAD) file submission from schema version 3.6 to 3.7. Added fields APS_NEW_BUILD_VESSEL, APS_IN_BALLAST to cater for new submission rules.

OHC Updater

Added handling to allow multiple users to run a SPMS application on the same machine.

OHC Web Services

  • Implemented the Renew Reservation feature in the OHC Web Service. This feature only renews the reservations of disembarked Guest, Resident, Crew and Staff.

  • The Web Services are enhanced to support POS_SERVER_ID1 and POS_SERVER_ID2. These can be updated through the FCUIPosting Web API.

Oracle Payment Interface (OPI)

A new function is added to enable Gift Card handling to integrate with Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) Gift Card Services. This function allows the guests or crew to offset their invoice balances using the gift card value, reload the card, or transfer the card balances. You can register and maintain multiple gift cards at the same time. To prevent deactivating the previously registered gift card, you can only register the new card through the All Invoice window.

Other enhancements included in the OPI functions are:

  • New parameter to allow customization and display of the credit card expiry date in YYMM or MMYY format.

  • A summary of records processed in the Batch Settlement tab and the Pending Authorization in Transaction Overview in the OPI Manager.

  • New column to store responded RRN for approved settlement transactions.

  • New Stop and Resume buttons in the Quick Billing process for OPI Credit Card profiles. You can click the Stop or Resume button while quick billing is processing.

Simphony POS Interface

Enhanced the SPMS bill image to include the buyer's name and cabin number. The information is now printed on the bill image when you inquire in Simphony.