2 Event Overview

The Event Overview section provides a comprehensive view of the current and upcoming events, as well as the booking records of an event. It consists of three tabs:
  • Event Overview

  • Calendar View

  • Handling List

Figure 2-1 Event Overview

This figure shows an overview of event by venue in Event Overview tab.
This window is divided into two sections providing the following:
  • A view of all bookable events according to the event start and end time.

  • List all events of the selected date, including information such as start and end time, seating type minimum / maximum attendees, total bookings, and others.

Figure 2-2 Calendar View

This figure shows the event in Calendar View.

The Calendar View displays the weekly events of the selected date in time order. Scrolling downwards moves the date forward by one week.

Figure 2-3 Event Handling List

This figure shows the Event Handling Lists tab where bookings and waiting lists are listed.

The Handling Lists provide an overview of the selected event allowing you to manage the event from one location. It lists the details and total number of events of the selected date in the grid. A list of the bookings appears in the Booking List tab while the Waiting List tab lists all of he guests on waiting lists. The total number of bookings for the event is shown on the far right side of the grid. Scroll right to view the remaining columns.

Figure 2-4 Color Definition

This figure shows the color definition for each booking type.

Booking List

Under the Booking List tab, you can perform functions such as Add Discounts, Void, Move Bookings, and Print Tickets. See the Account Handling for more details.

Removing a Waitlist Booking

  1. In the Waiting List tab, select the booking to remove.

  2. Click the Move Waitlisted Bookings at the ribbon bar.

  3. In the Confirm to Remove All or selected Waitlisted Bookings dialog, select the appropriate option.


You can select All, to remove all the waitlist booking from the grid.

Shifting a Waitlist Booking

This function enables you to reorder the waitlist booking, depending on the new number you insert. For example, if the current waitlist number is eight and the new waitlist number is ten, it will move this booking to the bottom of the list.

  1. Select the booking to shift from the Waiting List tab.

  2. Click the Shift Waitlisted Bookings button at the ribbon bar.

  3. Insert a new waitlist number and click Apply.

Figure 2-5 Shift Events for Waitlisted Bookings

This figure shows the Shift Event Waitlisted Bookings window option that allow you to reorder the waitlist.

Moving Waitlist Booking to Another Date

Figure 2-6 Move Event Bookings

This figure shows the Move Event Bookings window
The system only allows you to move bookings created from the same booking template.
  1. Select the waitlist booking from the Waiting List tab.

  2. Click Move Waitlisted Bookings.

  3. At the confirmation prompt, select the new date and click OK.


Figure 2-7 Bookable Event Fixed Seating Tab

This figure shows the Bookable Event, Fixed Seating tab.
The Event Booking window consists of two tabs:
  • Bookable Date View: Shows the bookable event by date in a calendar view.

  • Events View: Enables you to search for events of the same ID.

Bookable Date View

In the Bookable Date View:
  • Dates marked with green denotes the event available for that date.

  • Dates marked with gray are the selected date sand correspond to the date shown in Dates, Locations, and Events.

Events View

In the Event View tab, the system searches and return a list of events matching the event ID entered in the Event code field.

Ticket Price

The ticket price of the selected event is shown in the middle section of the Event Booking.

Account Search

The Account Search function allows you to search for an account by reservation status (Check-In, Reservation, or Check-Out Residents) and by Cabin Number/Name. The account information displayed in the Account Information section.

You can search for the payer account type (Prepaid or Routed) by selecting the Enable check box, selecting the payer type, and then entering the account information. The Account information displayed is of the selected guest.

Booking Details

The Booking Details tab displays details of the selected event, total records and prices. Functions such as Add Discounts, Remove Discounts, Void Bookings, Void Cancellation Fees, and Move Bookings can be performed by right clicking the selected booking or using the button on the ribbon bar.

Booking History

Figure 2-8 Booking History

This figure shows the Booking History tab in Booking List.

This tab displays the history details of event previously booked. Scroll to the right for more information.

Booking an Event

  1. Click the Bookings button on the ribbon bar.

  2. On the Event Bookings screen, select the date of the event and then select the Event Location. The Price Category of the event is listed under the Free Seating tab.

  3. At the Account Search function, search for the account.

  4. Click the Price Category once. Clicking the Price Category again increases the quantity and you will receive a prompt to confirm whether you want to reserve more than one seat.

  5. Click Post to post the booking fee to the account.

Fixed Seating Booking

Before you can book a seat using Fixed Seating, make sure you have the event location and layout setup. See Locations Layout and Creating Layout Template for more information.

To book a Fixed Seating event:
  1. Select an event from the Event Bookings tab. Select a guest and select a fixed seating event.

  2. Under the Fixed Seating tab, select a layout from the drop-down list. The available pricing for the selected layout is displayed, for example ‘0/8’ in the xxx Price Category. “0” indicates the number of tickets booked while “8” indicates the total number of tickets available.

  3. At the Booking Wizard Step 1: Select Tickets:
    1. Select a Price Category and the number of tickets.

    2. Click Select Seats to go to Step 2: Select Seats and allocate a seat number. The default layout view for this booking is Booking View. You can change the view to Zones or Type.

    3. Click Book Seats.

    4. At the Step 3: Confirm Booking tab, verify the information shown and click Confirm Bookings to complete the booking.

    Figure 2-9 Fixed Seating Booking Step 1: Select Tickets

    This figure shows the Fixed Seating Booking — Step1: Select Tickets

Layout View by Zones, Types or Bookings

The information shown in the Layout by Zones and Types is similar. It lists the availability of the seating zones and corresponding colors, whereas the Bookings view lists the booking information of the selected seat.

Relocating Seat in Step 2 of the Booking Wizard

Figure 2-10 Fixed Seating Booking Step 2: Select Seats

This figure shows the Fixed Seating Booking — Step2: Select Seats.

To move an allocated seat to another in Step 2: Select Seats:

  1. Select Edit ALL Reserved Seats. This button toggles to Stop Editing ALL Reserved Seats and vice versa when clicked.

  2. Select a new seat code to begin from the layout.

  3. For example, the assign seat is BB1-BB3 and selecting BB4, will move all three seats to BB4-BB6.

  4. If the number of the allocated seats is less than the seats you are moving, a warning message appears.

  5. Click the Stop Editing ALL Reserved Seats once all seats are moved.

  6. Click Save Changes to update the layout view and at the grid.

  7. Once confirmed, click Book Seats to go to next tab, Step 3: Confirm Bookings.

  8. Complete the booking by clicking Confirm Bookings.

Figure 2-11 Fixed Seating Booking Step 3: Confirm Booking

This figure shows the Fixed Seating Booking — Step3: Confirm Bookings.

Fixed Seating Layout and Bookings Overview

This button is only available if a fixed seating event is highlighted. It displays the layout view of the selected fixed seating event.