6 Time and Attendance Terminal Module

The Time and Attendance Terminal (T&A Terminal) module provides functionalities used by the crew, such as clock-in/clock-out from their daily task, approve weekly worked hours, view weekly roster, request roster change, change pin code, and many more.


See the Parameters section for its usage and control.

Login to T&A Terminal

A crew can log in to the T&A Terminal by swiping the crew card or by entering the crew ID, and a PIN code. One can obtain the PIN Code from Edit Crew, Reservation details, Pin code.

  1. In the T&A Terminal, swipe the crew card through the Magnetic Card Reader (MSR) attached to the terminal to log in.

  2. Enter the Pin code in the PIN Code field and then press Enter. The system does not prompt an error if the Pin Code entered is incorrect.

  3. Pressing the ESC key resets the entries.

  4. Alternatively, you can also enter the Crew ID in the Enter Crew ID field, followed by the Pin Code, and press Enter.

  5. The system prompts for a PIN code to be created if the crew account does not have a PIN code. Enter the Crew ID, New PIN Code and confirm the PIN Code, and then press Create. Use the CLR to clear the entry and BK to backspace.

  6. You must log in again after the PIN Code is changed successfully.

No Pin Code Detected

The PIN Code length is configurable in the General, Pin Code Length parameter and it prompts an error message if the PIN Code entered does not meet the requirement set in this parameter.

Crew Messages

After a successful log in and if there are unread messages, a message appears onscreen. Press Mark As Read to close and go to the next message, or go to Delete Message to delete the current message.

Main Menu

After a successful log in, you must access two functions available in the T&A Terminal. The function listed on the Main Menu may vary depending on the mode set in the Time Attendance, and Use Clock-In/Clock-out parameter.

See the following table for a list of functions available in each mode.

Table 6-1 T&A Terminal Functions

Time Approval Mode Clock-In/Clock-Out Mode

Approved Worked Hours

View My Schedule

View My Messages

View My Account

View My Upcoming Drills

Approve My Weekly Hours

Change Pin

More Info


Exit Terminal

Clock In

Clock Out

Change Task

Manual Clock In/Out

View My Schedule

View My Messages

View My Account

View My Upcoming Drills

View My Daily Hours

View Current Week Hours

Approve My Daily Hours

Approve My Weekly Hours

Change Pin

More Info


Exit Terminal

T&A Terminal -Time Approval Mode

Approved Worked Hours

All crews must approve their previous day’s schedule daily before the approval cut off time defined in the Time Attendance, Daily Work Time Approval parameter. For example, the parameter value is set at 1000, which means the cut off approval time is 10:00 a.m. daily. Therefore, when a crew logs in after 10:00 a.m., the crew cannot modify or approve the schedule.

Figure 6-1 Worked Hours Approval

This figure shows the Worked Hours Approval screen.

Table 6-2 Field Definition of Approved Worked Hours Screen

Field name Description

Hours Worked

Indicates the total actual worked hours for the day.

Hours Scheduled

Indicates the total hours for the day scheduled by the manager.


Indicates the status of the schedule.

  1. Press the Approve worked hours to show the previous day schedule.

  2. To add or edit the existing time slot, press the ADD or Edit button.

  3. At the Time Slot screen, select a Roster State, the Start/End time, and Sub-location. When selecting the time, use the left or right arrow button to decrease/increase the hours, each slot is a 15 minute block. You can use the arrow up/down keys on the keyboard to increment or decrement the minutes in the block. Pressing any other keys will increment the time by a 15 minute block.

    Figure 6-2 Add Time Slot Window

    This figure shows the Add Time Slot Window
  4. Press OK to save and return to the previous screen.

  5. Pressing the Clear all Hours resets the daily roster.


    When adding/editing the time slot through T&A Terminal:
    • Overlapping start/end time is not permitted.

    • The system does not perform an ILO Compliance validation.

    Figure 6-3 Schedule Work Hours Window

    This figure shows the crew schedule work hours.
  6. At the Schedule Work Hours screen, press the Approve Hours to confirm or approve the worked hours.


    Crew can modify the schedule prior to manager’s approval or log in before the specified work time approval. A schedule that is approved by crew can be modified by the manager at any time and not vice versa. Both the Approve Hours and Clear All Hours are dimmed after the schedule is approved by a manager.

Approve Weekly Hours

At the T&A Terminal, crew are allowed to approve their weekly schedule if the Time Attendace, Approval Frequency parameter is the same day as the server day is set to one. Once set, the system prompts the Weekly Schedule for your approval when you log in.

To approve the weekly schedule, press the Approve button. If a change is required, press the Change Required button to close the screen, and discuss the change with your manager.

Approving Zero Hours

Figure 6-4 Zero Hours Reason

This figure shows the Zero Hours Record Reason
Crew is required to approve their zero work hours such as day off or sick day.
  1. Once the Approve button is pressed and zero worked hours is detected, the system prompts an input screen for you to enter a reason.

  2. Select the reason and then press the OK button to confirm.

View My Schedule

Figure 6-5 View My Schedule Window

This figure shows the View My Schedule Window where weekly schedule is shown.
The View My Schedule allows you to view the week’s schedule and the default is today’s schedule. The start of the week depends on the First day of week parameter.
  • Pressing the day displays the respective daily schedule.

  • Pressing the double left arrow shows the past two week’s schedule and double right arrow to view the next two week’s schedule.

View My Messages

The View My Messages displays all the crew’s messages, sorted by date in descending order. The number of days to display is set in the Time Attendance, Display Messages x days old at terminal parameter.

If the value is set to 14 days, all read/unread messages that are 14 days old are shown.

Figure 6-6 View My Message Window

This figure shows the View My Message window.
  • To view the message details, select the message from the message list

  • To delete the message, press the Delete button from the message dialog box

  • To exit the Detail Message screen, press the Close button. Read messages are shown on the message grid and viewable unless they are outside the number of days defined

View My Account

View My Account enables you to view the previous or current cruise posting, and the default display is the current cruise posting.

Approve Onboard Charges

It is compulsory for crew that opt to settle their invoices through payroll deduction set in the Payroll module, Crew, Edit Details, Contract Type/Pay Group/Pay Position to approve any onboard charges.

This feature is only feasible when the following conditions are defined:
  • Payroll companies have “Deduct Folio” and “Invoice Payment Receiving” enabled.

  • Settlement department setup is similar to Payroll Companies – Onboard Account Department.

  • Crew payroll contract has “Deduct Folio” enabled.

The system sends a message informing the crew of the onboard charges that requires an approval and enables the Approve button in the View My Account screen.

Figure 6-7 Approve Onboard Charges Window

This figure shows the Onboard Charges window, where crew is required to approve.
  1. From the View My Account screen, select a transaction to approve. Multiple selection is not allowed.

  2. Press the Approve button. Once approved, the Approve button changes to Already Approved.

  3. If there are new settlements in the crew invoice, another approval is required.

Approve My Weekly Hours

Approve My Weekly Hours enables you to approve the roster on a weekly basis. The function requires the following parameters: Time Attendance, Approve Weekly Hours set to 1, Time Attendance, and Approval Frequency set to the same day as the server day. The Approve My Weekly Hours screen pops up when you log in to the terminal, if there are unapproved weekly hours.

Figure 6-8 Approve My Weekly Hours

This figure shows the My Weekly Hours window where crew is required to approve.
  • Total Work: The total hours worked.

  • Total Rest: The total rest hour block one.

  • MNA: Schedule not yet approved by manager.

  • CNA: Schedule not yet approve by crew.

  • CHG: Changes in schedules.

When the Approve My Weekly Hours is pressed, the system always shows the last week’s schedule.

Pressing one of these button will:
  • Approve: Approves the week’s schedules.

  • Changes Required: Trigger a change request notification to the Department Head for the week scheduled to be changed.

View My Upcoming Drills

The Safety Drills assigned to you in the Safety Drill module is also viewable from the T&A Terminal. To view the drill assignment, press the View My Upcoming Drills from the menu option.

Changing PIN Code

The Change Pin Code function changes your log in PIN for the T&A Terminal access.

Figure 6-9 Change PIN Code

This figure shows the Change PIN Code window.
  1. Press the Change PIN from the menu option.

  2. Enter the required information. Use the following keys to navigate.
    • CLR: Clears the field input value.

    • BKS: For backspace.

    • RESET: Changes the PIN code.

    • CLOSE: Cancels the PIN code change.

  3. The system prompts a PIN code change successful or a warning if,
    • The PIN code length does not match the value set in the General, PIN Code Length parameter.

    • Old PIN code entered is incorrect.

    • Missing information on the required fields.

More Info

More Info allows you to browse the internet from this window. This function is enabled by setting the Enable More Info parameter value to 1.

If the parameter is enabled, pressing the More Info button will start the Internet browser and direct you to the website defined parameter Internet Browser Parameters.

To exit the browser, press the Close button.

Clock-In/Clock-Out Mode in T&A Terminal

The Clock In / Clock Out mode has added functionality apart from the functions listed in Time Approval mode. It is listed below.


Clock In and Clock Out records the assigned task and the work hours so that the employee does not violate the total hours defined by the International Labour Organization (ILO).

  1. Press the Clock In button from the Main Menu to clock in.
    • The Clock In option is disabled if you have not clocked-out from previous task.

    • If the PAR Use Clock In/Out option is enabled, the Clock Out and Change Task options will be disabled.

    • The system checks the clocked in time against the grace period defined in the Grace Period After Clock In parameter. If the Clock In time is within the grace period, the system defaults to the Scheduled Roster Task. Otherwise, it defaults to the top roster task on the list. For example, the grace period is 15 minutes and the scheduled roster is at 12:00, and crew clocks in at 12:07. The system defaults the Scheduled Roster Task as On Duty.

  2. Select the Schedule Roster Task and press Clock In. The clock in task and time appears on the window.

    Figure 6-10 Schedule Roster Task

    This figure shows the Schedule Roster Task.
  3. Your supervisor can view this information from the View Clock-In/ Out window in the Time Attendance Module.


At the end of the shift, you are required to clock out from the assigned duty.

Press the Clock Out button at the Main menu to clock out the roster schedules. The clocked out task, date, and time automatically appears on the screen.

Change Task

The Change Task feature is enabled only when there is a clock in task. Pressing the Change Task button automatically clocks out the previous task and registers the newly selected task into the system with date and time shown underneath the name.

Manual Clock-In/Out

Manual Clock In/Out allows you to manually clock in/out of the system.

  1. At the Main Menu option, press the Manual Clock In/Out.

  2. Select the Roster task, day, and time.

  3. Press Clock In or Clock Out to manually add the record. The past three days’ activities appear on screen.

Figure 6-11 Manual Clock-In/Out

This figure shows the Manual Clock-In/Out window.

Approve My Daily Hours

The Approve My Daily Hours allows the crew to request a change to the crew’s approval status x days past the system date, depending on the days defined in the Past x Days Crew Can Request Approval Change parameter.

Figure 6-12 Approve My Daily Hours

This figure shows the Approve My Daily Hours Window where crew their daily worked hours.

View My Daily Hours

The View My Daily Hours function displays the crew’s current day’s activities, and this function is enabled/disabled using the View Daily Hours Clock In/Out parameter. The information displayed on this window is the same as Approve My Daily Hours.

View My Current Week Hours

This function displays the current week’s worked hours and is enabled/disabled by the View Current Weekly Hours Clock-In/Out parameter.