3 Resolved Issues

The following section lists all the resolved issues.

Table 3-1 Resolved Issues

Product Bugs ID Description

Advance Quick Check In


Resolved a receipt printing issue related to guest credit card registered in OHC AQCI. The receipts now print according to the hardware configurations.

Credit Card Transfer


Resolved an issue prompting "Unable to decrypt file using stored key pair. Please verify and try again." when reading the incremental file.

Credit Card Transfer


Resolved an issue prompting "Premature end of stream in PartiallnputStream" when reading the incremental or encrypted response pgp file.

Currency Exchange


Fixed an issue where the Void button is enabled regardless if the cabin has a value or not.



Updated the default value for [#Fidelio Cruise.SPMS.Session Expiry=#] to 300 in OHCSettings.par to prevent session expiry error on its first loading after the installation:

  • For new installation, the value is set to 300 ([#Fidelio Cruise.SPMS.Session Expiry=300#])

  • For an existing environment, the parameter value remains as 60 or the value defined by user during initial installation.

Management & Crew


Resolved an image scanning issue not showing or saved in both OHC Crew and OHC Management module.

OPI Manager


Resolved an issue on duplicate key exception error during cancel request when the system tries to resend for the second time the time out record for process.

Port Management


Resolved an issue on the Departure/Arrival Current Time not using the current machine date and time.



Resolved an issue where Ship name does not display in Report Preview when OHC Report is launched through OHC Launch Panel.

Web Service


Added LOG_KEY=CHKIN to LOG table to track and record the active cards registered at check-in. Applicable to OPI format.

Web Service


Resolved a run time error occurred when using FCUIGuestInquiry peSearchType = 10 (for RFID ID) due to the missing parameterization.

Web Service


Resolved an "Index was outside the bounds of the array" error prompt in PurchasePackage function. Optional parameters are now set to ensure it is backward compatible.