Gangway Count REST Endpoints

Gateway Security/Gangway Count
Get the count for 'Checked-In' reservation status for profile type
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/profiles/{profileType}/checkedInTotal
Get the count for 'Disembarked' reservation status for profile type
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/profiles/{profileType}/checkedOutTotal
Get the count for 'Disembarking' (leaving today) reservation status for profile type
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/profiles/{profileType}/checkOutTodayTotal
Get the count for 'Expected Today' reservation status for profile type
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/profiles/{profileType}/expectedToday
Get the count for staying overnight for tour based on profile type
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/profiles/{profileType}/overnightTourTotal
Get the count of 'Expected' reservation status for profile type
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/profiles/{profileType}/expectedTotal
Get the onboard count based on profile type
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/profiles/{profileType}/onboardTotal
Gets the ashore count based on profile type
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/profiles/{profileType}/ashoreTotal