Wizard Templates REST Endpoints

Mobile Check-In Wizard/Wizard Templates
Create/ Add a new step for wizard template
Method: post
Path: /spms/v1/stepTemplates
Create/ Add a new wizard template
Method: post
Path: /spms/v1/wizardTemplates
Remove/ Delete a step for a wizard template
Method: delete
Path: /spms/v1/stepTemplates/{id}
Remove/ Delete a wizard template
Method: delete
Path: /spms/v1/wizardTemplates/{id}
Retrieve a step for a wizard template
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/stepTemplates/{id}
Retrieve a wizard template
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/wizardTemplates/{id}
Retrieve list of all steps for wizard template
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/stepTemplates
Retrieve lists of all enabled wizard templates
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/wizardTemplates/enabled
Retrieve lists of all wizard templates
Method: get
Path: /spms/v1/wizardTemplates
Update a step for a wizard template
Method: put
Path: /spms/v1/stepTemplates
Update a wizard template record
Method: put
Path: /spms/v1/wizardTemplates