Retrieve travel document type by code



This is to retrieve travel document type by code


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Travel Document type details
Type: object
Title: Travel Document type details
Travel Document type details is retrieved succesfully
Show Source
Nested Schema : travelDocumentCheckList
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Match All
Show Source
Nested Schema : TravelDocFieldCheckList
Type: object
travel document field check list
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
    "title":"Bad Request",
    "detail":"The parameter shipId has incorrect format"
Nested Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
Show Source

401 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
    "detail":"Valid token is required to access this resource"
Nested Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
Show Source

403 Response

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
    "detail":"Access to this resource is forbidden"
Nested Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
Show Source

404 Response

Not Found
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
    "title":"Not Found",
    "detail":"No Immigration Document Type is available"
Nested Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
Show Source

405 Response

Method Not Allowed
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
    "title":"Method Not Supported",
    "detail":"HTTP method not supported for this resource"
Nested Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
Show Source

406 Response

Not Acceptable
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
    "title":"Not Acceptable",
    "detail":"Request a Mime type that is supported for this Resource"
Nested Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
Show Source

500 Response

Internal Server Error
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
    "title":"Internal Server Error",
    "detail":"Issue fulfilling request. Please retry or contact support"
Nested Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
Show Source

503 Response

Service Unavailable
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Match All
Show Source
    "title":"Service Unavailable",
    "detail":"Service Unavailable.  Try again later"
Nested Schema : Error Response
Type: object
Title: Error Response
Error Response returned when encountered error
Show Source
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