2 Calculation Processes

The Service Charge module calculates the total Hotel Service Charge (HSC) or Beverage Service Charge (BSC) of the day, then divides by the total pool points for the day before adding each day’s calculation to obtain the voyage total.

Figure 2-1 Service Charge Overview

This figure shows the Service Charge Overview screen.

Table 2-1 Service Charge Dashboard Fields

Field Name Description

Crew Name

Crew name.

External ID

Crew external ID.

Eligible Start Date

Date crew member reports for duty and eligible to service charge distribution.

Eligible End Date

Date crew member sign-offs from his/her duty and not entitled to service charge distribution thereafter.

Repatriation Date

Date crew member disembarks from the cruise.


Crew member current Operational Position.

Hotel Service Charge

Amount accumulated from Hotel Service Charge pool and distributed to the crew member.

Bar Service Charge

Amount accumulated from all the Bar Service Charge pool and distributed to the crew member.


A Yes/No flag indicating whether the amount is paid to the crew member through Payroll system.

When a crew has HBSC payout in Payroll system, the Paid column for the crew updates to Yes.

Mid Voyage/Home Port Repat

Denotes the whether the crew member entitlement to service charge is calculated based on a full voyage or partial.

  • No: Full voyage calculation

  • Yes: Partial voyage calculation

Example 1:
  • Current cruise Segment 1: 14 July to 17 July

  • Current cruise Segment 2: 17 July to 22 July

  • Crew eligible end date is 17 July

  • Running a calculation on current cruise Segment 1 shows crew A mid cruise repatriation as NO

  • Running a calculation on current cruise Segment 2 shows crew A mid cruise repatriation as YES

Example 2:
  • Current system date is 18 July

  • Crew eligible end date is 18 July

  • Running a calculation on cruise Segment 2 shows crew mid cruise repatriation as YES. The status only flag as NO when 18 July is the next voyage start date

Example 3:
  • Current cruise Segment 2: 17 July to 22 July

  • Next voyage start date is 23 July instead of 22 July

  • Crew eligible end date is 22 July

  • Running a calculation on cruise Segment 2 shows crew mid cruise repatriation as YES


Days calculated from cruise start date until crew service charge eligible end date (for mid cruise repat crew) or cruise end date. The program calculates the days until current system date if the cruise is the current cruise.

For example:
  • Current system date: 17 July

  • Cruise period: 14 July until 17 July

  • Normal Crew

  • Crew eligible from 08 July 2011 until 08 July 2012

  • Day(s) counted = 3 days (14 July until 16 July)

  • Repatriating Crew

  • Crew eligible from 11 July 2011 to 14 July 2011

  • Day(s) counted = 1 days (14 July unto 14 July)

  • Crew joined middle of the voyage

  • Crew eligible from 15 July 2011 to 18 July 2011

  • Day(s) counted = 2 days (15 July 2011 until 16 July 2011)

If the system date, eligible start date and eligible end date are same, example: 17 July, program return day count = 3 days instead of 1 day




Posting date of premium pay.

Premium Point

Premium work hour (approved in T&A module) x Pay rate. The pay rate refers to the premium work hour in Payroll, Interface Paycode.

Premium $ Calculated

Premium Pay amount.

Premium Code

Premium pay code.

Per Point Value

Point value as of last Calculate Total. If Calculate Total has yet been processed after new premium points appear, then the point value and amount will be zero until a recalculation is perform on the voyage.

Breakdown Calculations


Pool Type

The type of service charge pool that the crew is entitled.

Distribute to Crew

The calculated distribution amount from the service charge pool type to be paid to the crew member.

Pool Total Collected

The total amount collected by the pool.


Service charge point per position.

Per Point Value

Eligible point value.

Mid Cruise Repat

Yes / No indicator of crew member in mid cruise repatriation.

  1. Click the Overview button to access the Service Charge Dashboard.

  2. The Service Charge Dashboard window appears blank when you first open. Click Show Details to populate the information.

  3. The window is divided into three (3) sections. The columns and width of these sections are adjustable by dragging the column divider.

  4. If there are no HSC or BSC posting to the voyage at the time the Calculate Total button is first pressed, no crew members will appear in the list. The BSC list appears only when the BSC has been charged and not HSC or visa-versa.

Show Details

Table 2-2 Show Details Field Description

Field Name Description

Pool Type

The type of service charge pool that the crew is entitled.

Distribute to Crew

The calculated distributed amount from the service charge pool type to be paid to the crew member.

Pool Total Collected

The total amount collected by the pool.


Service charge point per position.

Per Point Value

Eligible point value.

Mid Cruise Repat

Yes / No indicator that the crew member is mid cruise repatriation.

  1. At the Service Charge Dashboard, select the voyage/segment from the drop-down list.
  2. Click Show Details at the ribbon bar.
  3. In Service Charge Dashboard, the crew member lists are shown.
  4. The premiums worked/booked, the total points, premium pay, type of premium, and point value of selected crew member are shown.
  5. The detailed breakdown of daily HSC and/or BSC of selected crew member where the information shown are by per pool type (indicates the several pool types for BSC), and per day since the calculations are made on a per-day basis with its total distributed to the crew member for the voyage.
  6. When highlighting a crew member, the Breakdown by Calculation shows the crew eligible type of pool and the respective pool distribution amount.

Calculate Totals

When the Calculate Total is clicked for the first time on a newly open voyage, the system automatically recalculates the previous open voyage for the final time, before closing the previous voyage and calculating the new voyage for the first time. After the previous voyage status is set to close, no further changes are allowed. Therefore, it is important to check and ensure the previous voyage that all the postings, premium points, and manual adjustments are complete.

Figure 2-2 Open Status of Prior Voyage

This figure shows the warning notification that the prior voyage status is still open.

The date of the voyage status changes to Close becomes the Last Calculated date that appears in the Select Cruise drop-down list. Therefore, for reporting clarity it is best to maintain the last calculated date as the actual voyage or segment end date.

Figure 2-3 Segment Status

This figure shows the calculation status by cruise segment.

Run the Calculate Total function at any time and as often as required when the voyage is in the Open status. Clicking the Calculate Total triggers a recalculation of the daily HSC and BSC distribution for all crew members eligible for each day as long as they are not paid (see Mid-Voyage and Homeport Repats), and incorporates any additional posting, premiums, adjustments, new crew, repatriation status, and others.

The Calculate Total should be processed daily or regularly during the voyage to ensure all HSC and BSC are calculating and distributing, and correcting any arrears where necessary. Before the calculation begins, the program checks the Eligibility Start / End Date for discrepancies. At the end of the calculation, the dashboard displays all crew members with pool distribution.

Calculate Hotel Service Charge

The Calculate Hotel Service Charge function only calculates the HSC portion. The service charge calculations are processed based on the date posted on a daily basis. When the HSC posting is skipped, and is posted twice on another day, this affects the daily Per Point Value and premiums posted on those days, resulting to the followings:
  • Premiums posted on a day with no HSC will have zero Per Point Value, and the crew members entitled to working premiums on that particular day will not have any premium pay.

  • Premiums worked on a day with a double HSC posting would receive double-valued Per Point Value.

Calculate Bar Service Charge (BSC)

Similar to HSC, this function only calculates the BSC. The BSC calculations could fail when any of the following occurs:

  • MICROS charges posted with a MICROS employee number that is not assigned to any crew member.

  • MICROS number is assigned to a crew member whose eligibility is not within the date range of the voyage being processed.

  • The posting (POS_ORDER_EMP_NO) is not associated with any crew member ID (UXP_C_ORDER_EMP_NO) in the database.

Figure 2-4 BSC Record Failed to Process

This figure shows the BSC Record that failed to process.

Click the Print Preview button to preview the Failed to Process record in the report layout or print to the printer directly.