1 Features and Updates

The content below is a list of features and updates for the Oracle Hospitality Cruise Shipboard Property Management System (SPMS) 23.1 release.

Tools and Technology Updates

The following controls have been upgrades to meet compliance standards.
  • Upgraded BouncyCastle to version 2.2.1.

  • Upgraded NewtonSoft.Json to version 13.0.3.

  • Upgraded Crystal Report runtime to version 13.0.33.

  • Upgraded DevExpress to version 22.2.6.

  • Upgraded OJET to version 14.1.0.

  • Upgraded OJET RACC to version 2.29.4.

  • Upgraded Helidon to version 2.6.2.


Based on the DevExpress website, under the Look and Feel, the Style selection of Flat, Ultra Flat, Style 3D, and Office2003 is not recommended to be used anymore. If your previous setting has these values selected, you should change it to Skin, to avoid any misalignment on your form layout. See User Look and Feel Style Property

SPMS Database

  • Changed the DTG table date from LONG to CLOB, and added the DTG source column in FMS_TRANSFER table to enable the data sending from Ship to Shore. This change is compatible with FMS version 9.2.

  • Added Entry/Exit System (EES) source column in FMS_TRANSFER table to enable the data sending from Ship to Shore. This change is compatible with FMS version 9.2.

  • Added new table for mobile key.

OHC Tools

Enhanced the Database Password Change feature to automatically update the Property Management System database credential when changing the password via Change Password or Change Database Encryption Key. User is required to restart the API services.

OHC Data Import

Added a new option to import the mobile key/endpoint unique identifier from the import file, which will then be sent during Board Card Printing/Encoding with Visionline integration. The mobile key/endpoint unique identifier supports single and multiple reservations or vice versa.

See Data Import Interface Guide for more details.


  • Enhanced the Visionline integration to pass the mobile key/endpoint unique identifier for mobile key activation.

  • Supported DESKO ICON Gen 2.2.

  • Supported Evolis Primacy 2.

Property Management System

Guest Handling

Implemented new function Create Reservation and Access rights control management

Enhanced the Guest Handling to include:
  • Field sorting on the guest handling search results section.

  • Ability to update the guest profile and contact details from the Action option under the Profile section.

  • Option to copy the changes of the contact details to other travelling guests from the Profile — Contact Details function.

Role Manager

  • Implemented User Group functionality that allows user to view and edit user group. In the navigation menu, Role Manager - User Group, user can grant or un-grant the access right to the user group.

  • User Group ADMIN will automatically be granted with FULL access rights upon completion of running the database installer.

  • Implemented User Security access checking on role manager API, and non-role manager API. User must have access rights to the user group in order to consume/access the API.

  • Implemented user security access checking on Navigation menu and Role Manager page. Login user without user access granted will not be able to view the application from the navigation menu.

Gateway Security

  • Enhanced the display of the harbor name based on the arrival harbor, and to show “At Sea” once the ship leaves the harbor. The harbor name displays the current ship/ferry arrival port. If the name is not found or the ship/ferry has departed from the port, system will show “At Sea”.

  • Migrated existing Gateway Security audio file from OHC Administrator, Multimedia File Maintenance, Security Sound File. You need to set up the audio before starting the migration via DB Installer.


  • Implemented RFID card reading for Android tablet and Micros tablet.

  • Enhanced the login function to comply with PCI Data Security Standard and to allow login by entering login credential or tap the RFID card.

  • Implemented registration/unregistration feature via RFID card or manual profile search.

  • Ability to work offline after the first set of data synced from the server to the device completed successfully.

Developed API

Below are the new API’s included in this release. See RESTAPI Specification for more information.

  • Administration module

    • Crew Privilege Levels

    • Crew Sign-Off Reason

    • Notice and Consent by Nationality Code

  • Financials/Configuration
    • Main Department

    • Main Department Credits

    • Main Department Debits

    • Sub Department Credits

    • Sub Department Debits

    • Sub Departments

  • Role Manager

    • Access Role Tasks

    • User Groups

    • User Group Access

  • Guest Handling Module

    • Guest Reservation

    • Reservation Search V2

  • Crew Handling Module

    • Crew Profile V2

  • Gateway Security

    • Gangway Movement V2

  • Mustering

    • Access Role Tasks

    • General Configuration

    • Lifeboats Analytics

    • Muster Stations Analytics

    • Muster Station Configuration

    • Registration

    • Safety Modes Configuration

    • Users

  • Other Modules

    • Retrieve API Server Date and Time Format

    • Update SPMS Database Password Configuration