10 Traditional Layout Setup Module

The Traditional Layout Setup module allows you to configure and modify the seating layouts of the ship’s traditional restaurants.

There are various ways to display the table information. You can click the panels and pin them to the layout for ease of access:

  • Table Properties Panel – the panel is docked on the right of the application. Clicking the Show Table Info button at the ribbon bar opens the panel view.

  • Base Color Table Panel – this panel is docked on the right of the application and shows the table information.

  • Table Overview Panel – this panel is docked on the left of the application, and it shows information of all restaurant tables.

Traditional Layout Setup Functionalities

Draw Grid

In the Traditional Layout Setup, you can choose to display the grid on the background layout by clicking the Draw Grid at the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu.

Load Layout

The Load Layout button allows you to upload an image file as the background layout. To upload a background layout,

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click Load Layout

  3. Browse to the location of the stored layout, select the image and click Open

Validating a Layout

This function validates and ensures that no table is hidden after changing or resizing the background layout.

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click the Validate Layout button

  3. Confirm the validation by clicking OK

Exporting a Layout

You can export a background layout using the below steps.

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click Export Layout

  3. Browse to the location where you want to save the background layout

  4. Click Save

Layout Size

You can adjust the size of the layout:

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click the Layout Size drop-down menu

  3. Select the desired Layout Size and the layout will be automatically adjusted

Inserting a Table

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. To display the Table Properties panel, click the Show Table Info button and pin it by clicking the Pin button in the panel

  3. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click Insert Table

  4. Click the layout to add the new table and enter the following information in the Table Properties panel. Repeat until all the tables are added to the layout:

    • Table Number: Enter a unique table number for this dining room

    • Table Caption: Enter a caption for the table (will be displayed instead of the table number)

    • Shape: Select the shape being used for this table

    • Waiter Station 1: Enter the first server station number

    • Waiter Station 2: Enter the second server station number

    • Capacity: Enter the maximum number of guests you can seat at this table (by default)

    • Desirability: Enter a number from 1 to 9 to represent how “nice” the table is. With ‘1’ being the best table and 9 being the worst.

    • Auto Status: Enable to use for Automatic Assignment

    • Init Status: The initial status of the table

    • Table Orientation: Select if the table shape should be displayed horizontally or vertically

    • Table Location: Select the location of this table in the restaurant

    • Expand To: Enter the new capacity of the table if this table can be expanded

    • Close to Expand: Enter the table number that should be closed if this table gets expanded

    • Book Order: Enter the number to be used when assigning groups to tables. Groups can only be seated at tables with consecutive book order.

    • Pref Time: The Preferred Time for this table.

    • Pxgr Type: The type of passengers that should be seated at this table.

    • Language: Select the language for this table.

    • Nationality: Select the nationality for this table.

    • Segment: Enter the segment code assigned to this table. Used for Segment Cruises.

    • DR Level: Enter “U” for the upper level and “L” for the lower level

    • Wheel Chair: Enable to accommodate guests requiring a wheelchair

    • Smoking: Enable to allow smoking at the table

    • Children: Enable to accommodate children

    • Group Table: Enable to accommodate groups

    • Position X: Adjust the X Coordinate of this table on the layout (automatically added)

    • Position Y: Adjust the Y Coordinate of this table on the layout (automatically added)

    • Block For: If Init Status is Blocked, select the reason for the table blocking.

    • Comments: Enter comments for the table.

  5. Click Stop Insert Table

  6. Click Save


The color coding of the tables is maintained in the Color Settings module.

Deleting a Table

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room

  3. Click the table that you would like to delete. Multiple tables can be selected by holding down the Shift key

  4. Click Delete Table and confirm the deletion

Zooming In/Out

You can increase or decrease the layout size on the screen with the below steps:

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room

  3. Click Zoom In to increase or Zoom Out to decrease the layout size

Opening/Closing Tables

To make the table available for selection or not,

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click the table where you want to change the table status

  3. Click Open Tables to make the table available for selection in the Traditional Assignment layout, or Close Tables to make the table not available for selection

Cutting/Copying/Pasting Table

To remove and insert a table from/ to the layout,

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click the table that you would like to adjust

  3. Click Cut Table to remove the table from the layout

  4. Click Copy Table to duplicate the table information

  5. Click Paste Table to either insert the cut or copied table to the layout


If the table is copied, you need to enter a new table in the Table Properties panel and confirm by clicking Save.

Update Table to Cruise Layout

With this function, you can update the changes from the Traditional Layout Setup module to the Traditional Assignment layout.

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and make the changes to the layout

  3. Click Update Table to Cruise Layout

  4. Select the ‘From’ and ‘To’ date where the changes should be applied to

  5. Click OK

  6. Click Update Table to Check In Layout

  7. Open the Check In Layout tab and click Refresh Layout to update the layout


If tables are being deleted and you are selecting a date where dining assignments have been made already, you will lose your assignments during this update.

Positioning a Table

This function allows you to adjust the position of a table on the layout.

  1. Select Traditional Layout Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click the table that you would like to move on the layout

  3. Click Position and enter the new values in the below fields:

    1. Set X: Enter the new coordinates for Position X

    2. Set Y: Enter the new coordinates for Position Y

  4. Press Enter to confirm the changes