21 Import / Export Cruise Module

The Import/ Export Cruise module allows you to import or export cruise data. This module is mainly used to share data from a shore side to a ship side database, but it can also be used to archive completed cruises and restore them later.

Import Functionalities

Importing a Cruise

  1. Select Import/ Export Cruise

  2. Click Import

  3. Browse to the location where the file is stored, select the file and click Open to import the cruise.


    You can define a default path by entering the path as the value to the IMPORT PATH parameter.

Export Functionalities

Exporting a Cruise

  1. Select Import/ Export Cruise

  2. In the Ship Selection drop-down menu, select the ship

  3. In the Cruise Selection drop-down menu, select the cruise

  4. In the Type Selection drop-down menu, select the type to export:

    • Exporting Entire Database: The file will be saved as EXPORT_TODAYDATE.SLW in the location configured in the EXPORT PATH parameter.

    • Final Export: The file will be saved as CRUISE_ID_AFT.SLW in the location configured in the EXPORT_DIR parameter group with the correct SHIP_CODE as the LOOK_UP_CODE.

    • Prelim Export: The file will be saved as CRUISE_ID_BEFF.SLW in the location configured in the EXPORT_DIR parameter group with the correct SHIP_CODE as the LOOK_UP_CODE.

  5. In the Export Options section, select any additional options:

    • Past Cruises: Enable this to display past cruises in the Cruise Selection drop-down

    • Export to Zip: Enable this to create the export as .zip file

    • Validate Seat Times: Enable to verify the seat times in the export based on the values given in the VALIDATE SEAT TIME parameter. If the validation fails, the export will not be created. The option will only be displayed if the VALIDATE SEATTIMES parameter is set to Y.

  6. Click Export to create the file


You can define a default path for the export files by entering the path as the value to the EXPORT PATH parameter and the EXPORT DIR parameter group.