11 Station Setup Module

The Station Setup module allows you to change the position of the stations in the Traditional Dining Rooms. The layout is used by the Group Assignment module.

Station Setup Functionalities

Selecting a Dining Room

To select a dining room,

  1. Select Station Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room

Draw Grid

In the Station Setup, you can choose to display the background layout in grid by clicking the Draw Grid next to the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu.

Freezing the Stations

You can freeze the stations to prevent anyone from changing their positions on the layout with the below steps:

  1. Select Station Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room

  3. Click Freeze Stations to prevent anyone from changing the station’s position

Zooming In/Out

You can increase or decrease the layout size on the screen with the below steps:

  1. Select Station Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room

  3. Click Zoom In to increase or Zoom Out to decrease the layout size

Positioning a Station

This function allows you to adjust the position of a station on the layout.

  1. Select Station Setup

  2. In the Dining Room Selection drop-down menu, select the dining room and click the station that you would like to move on the layout

  3. Click Position and enter the new values in the below fields:

    1. Set X: Enter the new coordinates for Position X

    2. Set Y: Enter the new coordinates for Position Y

  4. Press Enter to confirm the changes